J3/01-137 NUMBER: 000089 TITLE: Rules allowing duplicate names KEYWORDS: generic, duplicate names DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: J3 consideration in progress QUESTION: Under what conditions can a name in class (1) as described in 14.1.2 be used in more than one declaration? The second complete paragraph after the list in 14.1.2, immediately before note 14.2 [276:5-7 in 97-007r2] begins: ``Within a scoping unit, a name that identifies a local entity of one class shall not be used to identify another local entity of the same class, except in the case of generic names ('' Is the intent here that a generic name may be used only to identify another generic interface, or that a generic name may be used to identify any other entity in class (1)? ANSWER: The rules are laid out in, which is referenced. The exceptional case is that a procedure is permitted to have the same specific and generic name. An edit is provided to clarify the text. EDIT: Page 276, Subclause 14.1.2, in line 6 of page 276 [276:6], replace 'in the case of generic names' by 'that a procedure is permitted to have the same specific and generic name'. SUBMITTED BY: Van Snyder HISTORY: 00-246 m154 Submitted