J3 01-182 To: J3 From: /interop Date: 21 March 2001 Subject: Unresolved issue 243 Unresolved issue 243 (p. 395) asks about the interaction between C and Fortran exception handling. There are really two issues discussed in issue 243. Issue #1: What is the interaction between C and Fortran IEEE exception flags. Issue #2: What is the interaction between C signal handlers and Fortran. Issue #1 was addressed in an earlier paper that resulted in edits to 15 (see, for example, note 15.5). Issue #2 has not been addressed. C contains a function called signal which takes as an argument a pointer to a function. The function pointed to is called a signal handler. When certain asynchronous events (called signals) occur, the signal handler is invoked. There are numerous restrictions on the C environment and on the actions that a signal handler may take. These restrictions make it unreasonable to allow Fortran procedures to invoke signal handlers. Fortunately, Fortran procedures do not interoperate with C function pointers, so there is no way to establish a Fortran procedure as a signal handler. Thus no edits to disallow this case are required. There might also be a problem if a signal was raised while executing a Fortran subprogram, and a C signal handler was invoked. Subgroup believes that such issues are outside of the scope of this standard. Edits: Delete unresolved issue [393:1-6] delete