Subject: Issue 316 J3/01-250 From: Kurt W. Hirchert (Meeting 157) 07 Jun 2001 ======== Overview ======== Issue 316 concerns editorial infelicities in one sentence of While attempting to repair those editorial problems, editorial problems were found in the rest of the paragraph. While repairing those editorial problems, technical deficiencies were found in the paragraph. While repairing those deficiencies, technical/editorial problems were found in the preceding paragraph. While addressing those, redundant (and possibly incomplete or incorrect) material was found in I hope we have reached the caboose on this train. The edits below attempt to address the whole chain of problems originating with issue 316. ===== Edits ===== [194:18-25] Delete. {[191:43-192:1] says to look for this information in, so don't state it here.} [194:26] Change "The" to "When a user-defined derived-type input/output procedure is invoked, the". {Replace the introductory function of the text deleted above.} [347:20-21] Change "method (formatted, list-directed, namelist or unformatted" to "form (formatted or unformatted)". {This concept of method is not defined anywhere, and there is no separate uddtio procedure for namelist or list-directed input/output.} [347:24-37] Replace the J3 note and the paragraph it references with the following: "When an effective item (9.5.2) that is of derived-type is encountered during a data transfer, user-defined derived-type input/output occurs if both of the following conditions are true: (1) The circumstances of the input/output are such that user- defined derived-type input/output is permitted; that is, either (a) the transfer was initiated by a list-directed, namelist, or unformatted input/output statement, or (b) a format specification is supplied for the input/output statement, and the edit descriptor corresponding to the effective item is a DT edit descriptor. (2) A suitable user-defined derived-type input/output procedure is available; that is, either (a) the declared type of the effective item has a suitable type-bound generic binding, or (b) a suitable generic interface is accessible. If (2)(a) is true, the procedure referenced is determined as for explicit type-bound procedure references; that is, the binding with the appropriate specific interface is located in the declared type of the effective item, and the corresponding binding in the dynamic type of the effective item is selected. This binding shall not be deferred. If (2)(a) is false and (2)(b) is true, the reference is to the procedure identified by the appropriate specific interface in the interface block." - end -