J3/03-124r1 Date: 2003 Mar 31 To: J3 From: Dan Nagle Subject: Control Characters in Formatted Streams? If we want "Fortran Formatted" streams to behave similarly to "C Text" streams, we need to incorporate a little more of C99: 7.19.2 bullet 2. Richard suggests, and I agree, that copying the words from 171:31-32 regarding formatted records to the section regarding formatted streams will solve the problem, if the word "record" is changed to "stream" (at least as the problem is understood now). If the restriction is left processor-dependent, then the compiler vendor may use the same library for Fortran formatted streams and C text streams without surprising the programmer. These edits do this (I think): EDITS: 175:8 add "(7) A processor may prohibit some control characters (3.1) from appearing in a formatted stream file."