Subject: MOVE_ALLOC / SWAP_ALLOC Edits J3/03-162 From: Kurt W. Hirchert (Meeting 164) 14 Mar 2003 J3/03-161 contains my analysis of the functionality request in UK ballot item TC11, including the rationale for why I am offering these edits. The edits themselves come from J3/01-161, with page and line numbers adjusted for the current draft and extension to add SWAP_ALLOC. (My own personal preference would be to add only MOVE_ALLOC, but I believe it would be easier for the committee to cut down edits for both into edits for just one of these intrinsics than to start with the edits for one and convert them into the edits for the other or the edits for doing both.) ===== Edits ===== [287:15] "subroutine MVBITS is" -> "subroutines MOVE_ALLOC, MVBITS, and SWAP_ALLOC are" [287:15+1] "The" -> "MOVE_ALLOC and SWAP_ALLOC are not elemental, but their effects are limited to their arguments. The remaining" [293:25+] Insert " 13.5.15+1 Alloocation transfer procedures MOVE_ALLOC(TO,FROM) Transfers an allocation from one allocatable object to another SWAP_ALLOC(A,B) Swaps the allocations of two allocatable objects" [332:28+] Insert text <<<<< 13.7.79+1 MOVE_ALLOC(TO,FROM) Description. Transfers an allocation from one allocatable object to another. Class. Subroutine. Arguments. TO shall be type compatible ( with FROM and have the same rank. It shall be allocatable. It is an INTENT(OUT) argument. Its nondeferred type parameters shall have the same values as the corresponding type parameters of the current allocation, if any, of FROM. No declared nondeferred type parameter of TO shall differ in value from a corresponding declared nondeferred type parameter of FROM. FROM may be of any type and rank. It shall be allocatable. It is an INTENT(INOUT) argument. If FROM is not currently allocated, TO becomes not currently allocated; otherwise, the allocation of FROM is transferred to TO, including its bounds, type, and type parameters, and FROM becomes not currently allocated. If a pointer is associated with the allocation of FROM, it becomes associated with TO if TO has the TARGET attribute, and its pointer association status becomes undefined otherwise. Example. REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: GRID(:),TEMPGRID(:) ... ALLOCATE(GRID(-N:N) ! initial allocation of GRID ... ! "reallocation" of GRID to allow intermediate points ALLOCATE(TEMPGRID(LBOUND(GRID,1)*2:UBOUND(GRID,1)*2)) ! allocate bigger grid TEMPGRID(::2)=GRID! distribute values to new locations CALL MOVE_ALLOC(TO=GRID,FROM=TEMPGRID) ! old grid is deallocated because TO is ! INTENT(OUT), and GRID then "takes over" ! new grid allocation >>>>> 348:17+ Insert text <<<<< 13.17.112+1 SWAP_ALLOC(A,B) Description. Swaps the allocations of two allocatable objects Class. Subroutine. Arguments. A may be of any type and rank. It shall be allocatable. It is an INTENT(INOUT) argument. B shall have the same type and rank as A. It shall be allocatable. It is an INTENT(INOUT) argument. It shall have the same deferred type parameters as A. No nondeferred type parameter of B shall differ in value from the corresponding type parameter of A. If either argument is not currently allocated, the other becomes not currently allocated; otherwise, the allocation of each is transferred to the other, including its bounds, type, and type parameters. If a pointer is associated with the allocation of either argument, it becomes associated with the other argument if that other argument has the TARGET attribute, and its pointer association status becomes undefined otherwise. Example. REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: GRID(:),TEMPGRID(:) ... ALLOCATE(GRID(-N:N) ! initial allocation of GRID ... ! "reallocation" of GRID to allow intermediate points ALLOCATE(TEMPGRID(LBOUND(GRID,1)*2:UBOUND(GRID,1)*2)) ! allocate bigger grid TEMPGRID(::2)=GRID! distribute values to new locations DEALLOCATE(GRID) ! free the old allocation CALL SWAP_ALLOC(GRID,TEMPGRID) ! swap the new allocation to GRIB >>>>> [404:29+] Insert " (2+1) The target of the pointer is transferred by MOVE_ALLOC or SWAP_ALLOC to an allocatable object without the TARGET attribute." [411:4+] Insert " (19+1) Transfer of an allocation by MOVE_ALLOC or SWAP_ALLOC causes the receiving object to be defined if the source object was." [412:21+] Insert " (9+1) When MOVE_ALLOC or SWAP_ALLOC causes an allocatable entity to become not currently allocated, it becomes undefined." - end - -- Kurt W Hirchert UIUC Department of Atmospheric Sciences +1-217-265-0327