J3/03-227 Date: 04 August 2003 To: J3 From: Toon Moene Subject: Report III from subgroup Chapter 8 onwards Re: WG5/N1571 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1571 Report III from subgroup Chapter 8 onwards N1524 (cont.) Page and line numbers in paper N1524 refer to 02-007r3. We use these line numbers as well as those from the present draft (03-007). paper 03-173 No edit is proposed. paper 03-180 272:13 now refers to 278:14. WG5 agrees; proposed edit: 278:14 Insert "the execution of the" before "defined". WG5 suggests no edit is necessary for finalization. Finalization is different from the other mechanisms. paper 03-183 Now about 14.8. WG5 agrees; proposed edits: 371:1 Replace "operators" by "operations". 371:6-7 Replace "operators for" by "operations of". 371:8 Insert "the" before "IEEE" and "are" before "valid". paper 03-186 No edit is proposed. paper 03-188r1 No edit is proposed. Poor typesetting of 9.10.4 will solve itself because of renumbering sections (13.8.2.x.x), so nothing needs to be done (edits in N1543).