J3/03-260 Date: 20 October 2003 To: J3 From: Aleksandar Donev Subject: Post Fortran 2003: Genericity in Fortran This is a proposal for a feature to be provided in some future version of Fortran. ______________________________________ Summary ______________________________________ I first review the Basic Functionality that this proposal addresses. I give 4 problems which could elegantly and efficiently be solved with this proposal, and discuss them in detail in the Motivation. I first digress to describe what is in other programming languages, and give basic terminology in the Background section. Although I try to describe things from scratch, I will assume some familiarity with macros (with parameters) and/or C++ templates and/or Ada generic packages and/or Eiffel generic classes. ______________________________________ Basic Functionality ______________________________________ Generic code is one which applies to a variety of specific types and/or type parameters. Fortran has a little bit of genericity in it due to generic *interfaces* and parameterized types. However, what is lacking is the ability to write the *body* of the procedures which enter in the generic interfaces or operate on objects of parameterized type. In most cases this body is independent of the actual type and type parameters of the generic resolution parameters. This proposal is concerned with additions to Fortran to enable one, some or all of the following basic tasks, *avoiding* needless repetition of code and still providing *maximal* efficiency (such as inlined code): Task 1) Write a module with a parameterized derived type and associated procedures which work for any kind parameter. Task 2) Write a generic procedure like the intrinsic MAXVAL purely in Fortran. Task 3) Write a module which provides generic data-structures such as a generic stack. Task 4) Write a generic procedure which can sort an array of arbitrary type. These tasks are ordered in what I consider to be increasing complexity in terms of decisions to make and also incorporating into the standard (complexity of description). I will discuss implementation separately, and believe that all of these can be implemented with minimal effort, but a "quality implementation" might require more effort. ______________________________________ Rationale ______________________________________ I believe the ability to do tasks 1 and 2 need to be in the next revision of Fortran. Almost any user other then the basic beginner will benefit from this and without it the full power of Fortran generics and parameterized types cannot be realized and will not be used widely. Tasks 3 and 4 are more ambitious, and may be less-widely used, but should be considered by the committee carefully. Most of these can already be done using: a) Cut and Paste and endless repetition of code. This is very error prone and wastes programmer's effort and time. Sometimes INCLUDE files are used to avoid some repetition. c) Macros, such as CoCo/m4/FWEB etc. and include files. This is not only non-standard, but difficult for the nonexpert, and is also error prone, as discussed later. I propose that basic Fortran provide this functionality, to do away with the need to distribute things like Perl scripts or macro languages with Fortran libraries. ______________________________________ Background ______________________________________ Genericity means the ability to write code that applies to multiple specific types, i.e. specification *and* executable code that is parameterized by a certain (possibly parameterized) type T and/or an (integer) type parameter K. I will call T the generic type parameter and K the generic kind parameter. Genericity is closely related to inheritance, however, I want to stress that it is in fact *complementary* to it, and I hope to illustrate this here. The main difference is that generic code, as I consider it here, *cannot* be compiled until the exact type T and kind K are known, whereas code using inheritance and related concepts like polymorphism, is compiled only once and then it works for multiple types using "type descriptors" in the runtime implementation. The key is that polymorphism uses pointers to avoid knowing the exact type of an object. This has a significant run time cost, like dynamic dispatch, memory indirection, aliasing, etc. Genericity on the other hand will enable us to avoid all of this and even enable inlining of the generic code. The reader familiar with macros can think of generic code as a kind of macro for generating specific code (meaning code for a specific T and K) that is then actually compiled. However, I am not describing or proposing a Fortran-aware macro system in this proposal! The relation between macros and generic code is like that of macro constants (#define's) and Fortran PARAMETERs. The former provide the functionality of Fortran constants, but without the appropriate scoping or type-checking abilities. Basically this whole proposal is about making certain kind of macros statically typed and endowing them with a Fortran scope. In this sense, the generic code is the macro, or template (C++ terminology). When this macro is used (with specific T and K), the compiler compiles, or instantiates (C++ terminology) the code for specific T and K. The last step, which I will call instantiation, is unavoidable, since T and K must be known before executable object code can be produced. However, whether the generic code itself can be "compiled" is the main source of dilemma which I address here. There are 3 main kinds of genericity, as found in different languages: ____________ A) Unlimited Unconstrained Genericity (UUG): ____________ This is basically what is provided by C++ templates, and it means that there is *no* restriction on the type T (the kind parameter K is a uniquely Fortran thing). Templates basically provide macros with basic language awareness, such as syntax awareness (balancing braces and parenthesis, for example) and scope. They do *not* provide any type checking. To illustrate this, here is a C++ function template for a function which returns the smaller of two values: template T minimum(T A, T B) { if(A; function minimum(x,y: T) return T is begin if x { public boolean gt (A that); } class SortedObjects> { public A minimum (A first, A second) { if(first.gt(second)) return second else return first } This background illustrates the kind of decisions that need to be made when implementing genericity in a statically typed language. I next tackle several typical Fortran programming tasks that are best done using genericity. ______________________________________ Motivation/Examples ______________________________________ Here I discuss one by one the 4 tasks given in the Basic Functionality. I propose solutions but also raise what problems/questions remain. ____________ Parameterized Types and their Operations ____________ Take the following parameterized type which defines a point in 3D space whose position is stored using single or double precision reals, and one type bound procedure which translates the point: INTEGER, PARAMETER :: r_sp=KIND(1.0E0), r_dp=KIND(1.0D0) ! Single and double precision real kinds TYPE :: Euclidian_Point(KIND) INTEGER, KIND :: KIND REAL(KIND) :: position(3) CONTAINS GENERIC, PASS(point) :: Translate=>Translate_sp, Translate_dp END TYPE Euclidian_Point and we have: SUBROUTINE Translate_sp(point, translation) CLASS(Euclidian_Point(r_sp)), INTENT(INOUT) :: point REAL(KIND=r_sp) :: translation(3) point%position = point%position + translation END SUBROUTINE SUBROUTINE Translate_dp(point, translation) CLASS(Euclidian_Point(r_dp)), INTENT(INOUT) :: point REAL(KIND=r_dp) :: translation(3) point%position = point%position + translation END SUBROUTINE Notice how the single and double precision versions of Translate are identical save for the kind-type parameter, r_sp in one, r_dp in the other. This is needless repetition of code. Furthermore, if later the compiler is extended to provide quadrupole precision, one needs to go back and add yet another duplicate version of Translate. Clearly this is undesirable. For all the extensibility/reusability we have provided with inheritance we have forced the programmer to duplicate code and also fix the future usage at the design stage. Instead, one should be able to write something like (this is ficticious syntax): TYPE :: Euclidian_Point(K) INTEGER, KIND :: K REAL(KIND=K) :: position(3) CONTAINS GENERIC, PASS(point) :: Translate END TYPE Euclidian_Point GENERIC SUBROUTINE Translate(point, translation) CLASS(Euclidian_Point(KIND=*)), INTENT(INOUT) :: point ! Works for any KIND (the kind is "assumed") REAL(KIND=point%K) :: translation(3) point%position = point%position + translation END SUBROUTINE and simply use this: TYPE(Euclidian_Point(r_sp)) :: point CALL point.Translate((/1.0_r_sp,1.0_r_sp,1.0_r_sp/)) Full type-safety has been preserved and the simplification and ease is amazing! This is what genericity should look like in Fortran! How will the compiler do this? There are two options: 1) When the compiler compiles the programming unit containing the procedure Translate, it will compile a separate version for each type of real it supports, and also decorate the procedure names itself. It is exactly what the user has to do manually today by replicating code and changing an sp into a dp. 2) The compiler waits until it compiles the code that uses a Euclidian_Point(r_sp) and then it compiles a specific version of Translate for single precision reals. In this case strategy 1 clearly seems preferable. The problem is the following: What if there are 3 different kind parameters, and 3 possible values for each. Does the compiler compile all 27 versions of the generic procedure? Furthermore, what if the compiler does not know what the possible values for K are? For example, what if I wanted to provide points in both 2 and 3 dimensions using another kind parameter DIM: TYPE :: Euclidian_Point(K, DIM) INTEGER, KIND :: K, DIM REAL(KIND=K), DIMENSION(DIM) :: position CONTAINS GENERIC, PASS(point) :: Translate END TYPE Euclidian_Point The compiler does not know that I will only use points in 2 and 3D (i.e. DIM=2 and DIM=3). So how do I tell it that? The basic gist of this example is that the type T is fixed (in this case to Euclidian_Point), and only the type parameter K is varied. Next we want to get more demanding and ask that the type T also be allowed to change, but we can predict a-priori what (intrinsic) types T we want to use. ____________ A generic procedure for all supported REALs and COMPLEX ____________ In the first section I mentioned as an example writing something like the intrinsic MAXVAL in Fortran, without repetition of code. A more realistic example is writing something like the level-I BLAS in pure Fortran. The BLAS works for several different kinds of REALs and also COMPLEX numbers, and in level-I we have things like AXPY: y=a*x+b*y where x and y are arrays and a and b are scalars. As an illustration assume that we want to code a generic function Add which adds two vectors (rank-1 arrays) of different kinds of REAL or COMPLEX numbers. Here is how a possible generic Fortran code to do this might look: MODULE BLAS_1 ! Implements an Add operation on two vectors ! Imagine this being an implementation of Level 1 BLAS ! for all kinds of real/complex supported on a platform IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: Add CONTAINS GENERIC FUNCTION Add(x,y) RESULT(x_plus_y) TYPE(REAL(*),COMPLEX(*)), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: x,y ! x and y can be any kind of REAL or COMPLEX ! But they must both be of the same type/parameter TYPE(TYPE_OF(x)), DIMENSION(SIZE(x)) :: x_plus_y ! Must be the same type/parameter as x x_plus_y=x+y END FUNCTION Add END MODULE which means exactly the same as if one used macros to generate: MODULE BLAS_1 IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: Add INTERFACE Add MODULE PROCEDURE Add_real_sp MODULE PROCEDURE Add_complex_sp ...! All other supported precisions END INTERFACE CONTAINS FUNCTION Add_real_sp(x,y) RESULT(x_plus_y) REAL(r_sp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: x,y REAL(r_sp), DIMENSION(SIZE(x)) :: x_plus_y ! Must be the same type/parameter as x x_plus_y=x+y END FUNCTION FUNCTION Add_complex_sp(x,y) RESULT(x_plus_y) COMPLEX(r_sp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: x,y COMPLEX(r_sp), DIMENSION(SIZE(x)) :: x_plus_y ! Must be the same type/parameter as x x_plus_y=x+y END FUNCTION ... END MODULE The proposed syntax above is not one that I actually like, but rather an illustration. The point is that we know that the given generic code, in this case the generic procedure Add, is to be used with only a certain *predefined* set of types and type parameters, and therefore everything can be precompiled and type-safety is ensured. I am leaving details about the syntax aside for now. This also fits very well into the Fortran framework. Namely, standard Fortran already provides such generic procedures for the intrinsic types, for example, SUM or MINVAL. But the user cannot extend the system by writing his own generic procedures like SUM or MINVAL easily, or writing SUM for his own (parameterized) derived types, such as, for example, rational numbers (of single, double, quad, etc. precision) or arbitrary-precision floating-point numbers, without using excessive code duplication. So far I have illustrated that there are two "noncontroversial" cases where genericity is needed, and these are already widely seen used among Fortran programmers (where cut/paste, macros, perl scrips, and other wizzardry is used to generate the body of the procedures above): 1) When only a kind parameter changes and the type is fixed. 2) When the type also changes but the set of types is known a-priori. Both 1 and 2 are easy to compile if the set of kind parameters is also fixed, especially if it can be determined by the compiler. Namely, the compiler can just precompile all possible combinations of types/type-parameters. The above system maintains a clear separation between types, which we can already parameterize with integers, and procedures, which I propose we allow to be parameterized by integers and also work on several different types. I believe it is better to design a system which unifies both and allows one to parameterize a whole "package", i.e. a collection of type definitions, constants and procedures which operate on those types and use those constants. I will later give examples which invent a new GENERIC programming unit which does this. ____________ Generic Stack ____________ As I said above, Fortran already has built-in intrinsic procedures which work with, for example, any numeric (REAL, COMPLEX or INTEGER) type, like SUM. I discussed in the previous two examples how we can allow the user to write such procedures him/herself. But Fortran also has intrinsics which work with *any* type. For example, CSHIFT will shift an array of any type. Can we allow the user to write code which works efficiently for any type (and yet does not use CLASS(*) pointers) and is this useful in real-life applications? I believe the answer is a big YES on both accounts and discuss an example next. To illustrate how one can provide unconstrained limited genericity which works on any type and yet is completely statically typed and checkable at compile type, I will use a generic stack as an example. This would be a typical kind of thing found in the widely used Standard Template Library in C++. One can already do "generic" stacks in Fortran using polymorphic (CLASS(*) especially) pointers. By using generic code one can avoid always having to drag pointers into this, and implement a generic stack using a simple array, just as if one were writing a stack of integers or reals. The example code below uses no pointers or dynamic dispatch, and is maximally efficient and very easy to write/use. In this example I introduce a new programming unit, I call it GENERIC, which contains type definitions and procedures parameterized by an arbitrary type any_type, which must be a specific type, i.e., have all its type parameters specified: module GenericStacks generic :: GenericStack(any_type) ! This can be used with *any type*, there are *no* requirements what-so-ever private type, public :: generic_stack public integer :: n_elements=0, n_max_elements=100 type(any_type), allocatable, dimension(:), private :: storage contains public procedure, pass(stack) :: initialize, pop ... end type contains subroutine initialize(stack) class(generic_stack), intent(inout) :: stack allocate(storage(n_max_elements)) ! No need for SOURCE or MOLD here end subroutine initialize function pop(stack) result(top) class(generic_stack), intent(inout) :: stack type(any_type) :: top ! No POINTER needed here if(n_elements<=0) return top=storage[n_elements] n_elements=n_elements-1 end function ... end generic end module Now, the generic GenericStack cannot really be compiled until the type any_type is known. To use a generic stack, one must specifically instantiate the generic with a specific type. This instance can be given a name and notation similar to type selection used to refer to the specific types and procedures it defines: program RealStacks use GenericStacks generic(GenericStack(real(kind(0.0)))) :: real_stack ! Now actually compile the code ! to get a generic stack of single-precision reals type(real_stack%generic_stack) :: stack ! Declare a stack of reals ! Now use this stack: call stack.initialize() ! Or "call real_stack%initialize(stack)" ... write(*,*) "Top element is:", stack.pop() end program RealStacks What exactly can go inside a GENERIC block parameterized by a type T. Well, anything which according to the current standard works no matter what the type T is. For example, if inside the GENERIC we have: type(T), target :: x type(T), pointer :: y type(T), dimension(:), target :: z type(c_ptr) :: p then any of these are OK: allocate(z(5)) y=>x z(5)=x p=C_LOC(x) etc. We may need to add words in certain places of the standard to explicitly allow this (like in allocate statement), but in many cases we do not make any specific requirement on the type of x or y, or only make a requirement about the relative type of x and y (for example, y must be type-compatible with x), and these are clearly satisfied by the examples above. I also believe we should allow the type T to be used in a SELECT TYPE construct: SELECT TYPE(T) CASE (INTEGER(sp)) WRITE(*,*) "Stack of integers" CASE DEFAULT WRITE(*,*) "Stack of something???" END SELECT TYPE and/or allow one to call a procedure whose dummy is declared to be of CLASS(*) with an actual whose type is the generic type parameter T. In C++ terminology, this is related to the concept of "specialization". Namely, though most generic code is completely type-independent, there may be small pieces of code where it is necessary to be more specific. An example is writing a set of Fortran-friendly wrappers to, for example, the Mpi_Allgather function in the MPI C Binding. The C prototype here is: int MPI_Allgather(void* sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, void* recvbuf, \ int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPI_Comm comm) and we would like to write a Fortran wrapper which avoids the need to pass the type (especially if there is a predefined MPI datatype for the given type--I use SELECT TYPE for this below) and number of elements twice and is more strongly typed, namely, the send and receive buffer must of the same type. Most Fortran programmers would prefer such an interface because it avoids having to deal with C directly: MODULE MPI_Interface USE ISO_C_INTEROP USE MPI_DATATYPES ! Assume there is a vendor MPI module somewhere PRIVATE PUBLIC :: MPI_Gather ! A generic interface for a wrapper around MPI INTERFACE FUNCTION MPI_Allgather_C(sendbuf,sendcount,sendtype, & recvbuf,recvcount,recvtype,comm) & BIND(C,NAME="MPI_Allgather") RESULT(status) TYPE(C_PTR), INTENT(IN), VALUE :: sendbuf,recvbuf INTEGER(C_INT), VALUE :: sendcount, recvcount TYPE(MPI_Datatype), VALUE :: sendtype, recvtype TYPE(MPI_Comm), VALUE :: comm INTEGER(C_INT) :: status END FUNCTION END INTERFACE GENERIC, PUBLIC :: MPI_Gather(any_type) PUBLIC :: MPI_ALLGATHER CONTAINS SUBROUTINE MPI_ALLGATHER(sendbuf,recvbuf,data_count,data_type,comm,status) TYPE(any_type), DIMENSION(*), INTENT(IN), TARGET :: sendbuf TYPE(any_type), DIMENSION(*), INTENT(OUT), TARGET :: recvbuf INTEGER(C_INT), INTENT(IN) :: data_count TYPE(MPI_Datatype), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: data_type TYPE(MPI_Comm), INTENT(IN) :: comm INTEGER(C_INT), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: status INTEGER(C_INT) :: error_status TYPE(MPI_Datatype) :: mpi_type SELECT TYPE(sendbuf) ! There are some predefined types in MPI ! For these types we don't need data_type TYPE IS(C_INT) mpi_type=MPI_INT TYPE IS(C_FLOAT) mpi_type=MPI_FLOAT ... CLASS DEFAULT ! This is not a predefined type IF(PRESENT(data_type)) THEN @; mpi_type=data_type ELSE mpi_type=MPI_PACKED END IF END SELECT TYPE // Now actually call the C subroutine CALL MPI_Allgather_C(sendbuf=C_LOC(sendbuf), sendcount=data_count, & sendtype=mpi_type, recvbuf=C_LOC(recvbuf), recvcount=data_count, & recvtype=mpi_type, comm=comm) END SUBROUTINE END GENERIC MPI_Gather ! We can now compile specific instances for several common types: GENERIC(MPI_Gather(INTEGER)) :: gather_i_sp ! Integer version GENERIC(MPI_Gather(REAL(KIND(0.0))) :: gather_r_sp ! Single-precision reals GENERIC(MPI_Gather(REAL(KIND(0.0))) :: gather_r_dp ! Double-precision reals ... ! And finally we can put these in a generic INTERFACE MPI_Gather PROCEDURE :: gather_i_sp%MPI_ALLGATHER, & gather_r_sp%MPI_ALLGATHER, gather_r_dp%MPI_ALLGATHER END INTERFACE END MODULE ____________ Procedures which work on some unknown type ____________ We now come to the most difficult and controversial case. This is when the type T and the operations appearing inside the generic code are not restricted. The main characteristic of such a case is that the syntax cannot be fully verified, i.e., although the syntax can be parsed, the meaning of the syntax is not clear at the point when the generic code is written. Take the simple example of a sorting routine for objects of an arbitrary type T. Any sorting routine would have to compare two quantities of this type, so inside the generic code there might be something like: GENERIC QuickSort(T) ... TYPE(T), ... :: A, B IF(Ay is legal if the type of x is the same as the type of y. Never is there any restriction on what this type has to be. So there is absolutely nothing to be changed if we allow the type of x and y to be parameterized by some type T. The only thing we need to change is the restriction which says that x and y have to be declared to have some intrinsic or accessible derived type. In any case, I do not think it is hard to incorporate the simpler forms of genericity in the language. As far as implementation goes, they are all almost trivial to implement---simply use a macro-type expansion mechanism. Of course, a quality implementation may do better. The point of genericity is that real code (i.e. code to be optimized into object code) is obtained only once a specific type is chosen for the type parameter T, and this code is simply plain-old Fortran. Therefore only small modifications to the front-end of compilers are needed in order to parse the generic code blocks and generate the appropriate intermediate representations for the specific type(s) T that are used. Optimizers or back-ends are not affected at all. ______________________________________ Detailed Specification ______________________________________ As can be seen above, there are many choices to be made before more detailed specifications can be provided. The main decision is to decide what kinds of genericity we want to provide in Fortran: 1. Allow for an "assumed" kind parameter for dummy arguments in procedures (first example above): TYPE(INTEGER(KIND=*)) :: x TYPE(INTEGER(x%kind)) :: y 2. Allow for the type of a dummy argument to be a set of types, rather then a single type (second example above): TYPE(INTEGER, REAL), INTENT(IN) :: x TYPE(TYPE_OF(x)) :: y 3. Combined 1 and 2 above, i.e. allow for things like: TYPE(INTEGER(*), REAL(*)) :: x TYPE(TYPE_OF(x)) :: y 4. Allow the type of a variable to be some arbitrary type T, but only allow operations on that variable which are valid for any type T: GENERIC Test(T) TYPE(T) :: x,y x=y ... END GENERIC 5. Allow for unlimited unconstrained genericity, as in C++ templates. I would say all five are useful, and would vote for 1-4 to be incorporated into the next revision of Fortran. I hope I have explained above in what kinds of situations different kinds of genericity are needed. Certainly just choice 4 above is not enough. Choice 1 above is IMO a non-brainer and it is high-time we provide this in Fortran. I also think choice 2 is useful and not so controversial or complicated, and choice 3 is a logical combination of 1 and 2. ! EOF _________________________________ Aleksandar Donev Complex Materials Theory Group (http://cherrypit.princeton.edu/) Princeton Materials Institute & Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics @ Princeton University Address: 419 Bowen Hall, 70 Prospect Avenue Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08540-5211 E-mail: adonev@math.princeton.edu WWW: http://atom.princeton.edu/donev Phone: (609) 258-2775 Fax: (609) 258-1177 __________________________________