J3/04-102 Date: 6 December 03 To: J3 From: Dan Nagle Subject: Enhancing Stop One of the public comments regarding the draft standard requested that an "exit code" be passed to the operating system when a Fortran program stops. I don't believe we can require that (see 1.4(2)), but we can suggest that behavior. While visiting stop, the trivial enhancement of allowing named constants for the stop integer or character value is also suggested. Number: Title: Enhanced Stop Submitted By: J3 Status: For Consideration References: Section 8.4 Stop statement Estimated Impact: The features proposed here have low impact, and would affect no other statement. Detailed Specification: Add a note to Section 8.4 suggesting that the scalar-char-constant be written to stderr and that the digits be used as the program exit code. The current language "available in a processor dependent manner" doesn't aid portability much. I don't believe we can do more, as we don't say how programs are executed (so we can't say how programs stop executing, either). Also, allow named constants for the scalar-char-constant and the digits to allow centralized control for the programmer. This should have low cost to implement as the compiler must store the stop code somewhere anyway, and a named constant is just as available as a literal. History: