J3/06-218 To: J3 From: Bill Long Subject: C8 - UTI 25 : CONCURRENT iteration Date: 28-jul-2006 --------------------- Uresolved Technical Issue 25 (page 188) suggests that the definition of the term "iteration" probably breaks its use elsewhere in the standard. Reply: Apart from several uses of the term "iteration count", which is defined separately at [187:10], the word "iteration" is used for things other than DO CONCURRENT at two places: [185:5] and [185:8] (based on scanning the text version of 04-007). The uses on page 185 do not seem to require a definition, so not making the use on 188 a definition seems OK. There is no entry in Annex A for iteration anyway. Edits: ----- [188:4] Unbold "iteration".