J3/06-328 To: J3 Date: October 25, 2006 From: Aleksandar Donev Subject: Unresolved Issue 081: MOLD References: J3/06-007r1 Unresolved Technical Issue (UTI) 81 asks if should be required to be allocated if it is an allocatable variable. I propose that the answer be YES, even if there are no deferred-shape parameters. This simplifies the description and possibly some implementations (not requiring an extra check for allocation for polymorphic allocatables). A straw-vote may be preferred. The UTI also proposes that be allowed to determine the shape of the allocation for arrays. This is not restricted to MOLD and in fact makes more sense for SOURCE, since in this case conformance of shapes is required. Since this is not connected to the core functionality of MOLD and does not appear to be an integration issue, but rather an enhancement, and since it does not provide any new functionality (other than saving keystrokes), I propose that we do not do this in this revision. Edits: [126:27-] Add new paragraph before the one starting with "If SOURCE= appears": If appears and is an allocatable variable, it shall be allocated.