J3/08-142r1 To: WG5 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Editor's Report for N1723 (08-007r2), revised. Date: 2008 March 12 1. Introduction This document describes the changes between 08-007r1 and 08-007r2; these are also known as WG5 documents N1718 and N1723. Edits are described using the following [:] where is one of p Rnnnn Cnnnn Note x.yy optionally followed by a sub-paragraph grouping identifier such as "item (n)" for numbered list item "(n)", "WAIT" for the item labelled "WAIT", optionally followed by +N for a line offset after the first. 2. Technical Changes [somewhere in c13] Reinstated CO_LBOUND and CO_UBOUND, but with the CO_ARRAY argument name changed to COARRAY. [319:13.5,table 13.1,IMAGE_INDEX] "CO_ARRAY"->"COARRAY", twice. {These underscores are really virtual hyphens, so they ought to have been removed by 08-125.} [322:13.5,table 13.1,THIS_IMAGE] "CO_ARRAY"->"COARRAY". {This underscore is really a virtual hyphen, so it ought to have been removed by 08-125.} [344:13.7.55p3,WAIT] "character"->"logical". {This is a long-standing typo.} [344:13.7.55p3,EXITSTAT&CMDSTAT] "character"->"integer", twice. {Two more long-standing typos.} [354:13.7.77] "CO_ARRAY"->"COARRAY" throughout this subclause (5 times). {These underscores are really virtual hyphens, so they ought to have been removed by 08-125.} [390:13.7.162] "CO_ARRAY"->"COARRAY" throughout this subclause (9 times). {These underscores are really virtual hyphens, so they ought to have been removed by 08-125.} [513:C.10.1p1&p2] "CO_ARRAY"->"COARRAY" 5 times. {These underscores are really virtual hyphens, so they ought to have been removed by 08-125.} 3. Editorial Changes [throughout] The header and footer width has been made the same as the text width. [12:2.1.25,] Renumbered as and {Forgot to lower the term level of "subcomponent"...} [65:] In the first sentence, Before "DIMENSION clause", "the"->"a". {Article ought to be indefinite. This subclause needs rewriting anyway, but that is too big a job for a simple editorial fix.} [78:C491] Delete spurious "inheritance association". {This was a mistyped indexing/hyperlinking macro ref.} [171:] Deleted spurious cross-reference for "selector". {This is defined on the previous page, and used in the immediately preceding paragraph on this page without cross-reference.} [190:8.5.4,note 8.37] Moved note to follow paragraph 2. {There was certainly no reason for this note to be where it was, and ISO recommend that all notes be at the end of a subclause unless there is good reason otherwise.} [194:9.3.1p3+1] "Whethera"->"Whether a". [217:] Joined this sentence to the previous paragraph. {08-129r1 did not ask for this sentence to be detached from the paragraph.} [235:] "behaviour"->"behavior". {We mostly spell this the latter way, and should be consistent.} [292:] After "INTENT(IN)" insert "attribute". {Missing word.} [314:13.3.1p1] "behaviour"->"behavior". {We mostly spell this the latter way, and should be consistent.} [320:13.5,table 13.1,LOG_GAMMA] Move LOG_GAMMA to follow LOG. {Was out of order.} [341:13.7.48p3,SHIFT+1] Remove extraneous long dash between BIT_SIZE & (J). {Typo: the long dash was produced by a vertical bar, which is next to the tilde on my keyboard. (Tilde is a LaTeX spacing character.)} [342:13.7.49p3,SHIFT+1] Remove extraneous long dash between BIT_SIZE & (J). {The same typo as above.} [397:] Insert missing comma between references. [397:] Delete "or an IOSTAT= specifier (ref),". {That is no longer possible after the removal of team i/o.} [404:14.9p2] Unnumbered this paragraph because it is not one. {Actually, LaTeX still makes it a paragraph, I just turned off paragraph numbering! And tweaked the vertical spacing so it looks less like one.} [443:16.4p12(last)] Deleted paragraph about macro local variables. {This paragraph should have been, but was not, under the "macros" test.} [461:bullets 4,6 and 7 on this page] "user-defined derived-type input/output" -> "defined input/output" "user-defined derived-type procedure" -> "defined input/output procedure" (twice). {Missed some cases applying 07-308r1 when producing 08-007.} [463:B.1p2,item(1)+2] Before "has been deleted", ","->"; this". {Edit to [503:9-10] from 08-105r2 not fully applied.} [463:B.1p2,item(6)+1] After "In" insert "{\sc Fortran 66},". {Edit to [503:34] from 08-105r2 not fully applied.} [509:C.9.6p7] "user-defined derived-type input/output" ->"defined input/output". {Missed a case applying 07-308r1 when producing 08-007.} [577:Annex D] Deleted stray macro BNF arising from deficiences in the indexing program: it picked up nonexistent cross-references in clauses 2 and 3. {The program that generates Annex D does not understand LaTeX conditionals, so BNF and constraints need manual deactivation.} [583:Annex E,1st sentence] Delete "glossary". {We just have definitions now, not glossary definitions.} ===END===