To: J3 08-271r1 From: Bill Long Subject: Adding TYPE(*) and DIMENSION(..) to the TR Date: 15 Aug 2008 References: J3/08-007r2 Proposal to add TYPE(*) and DIMENSION(..) to Fortran. Specs and Syntax only; no Edits. The desire for a simple mechanism to interoperate with C objects declared as (void *) has led to several proposed modifications to Fortran. One of the most direct solutions is to provide as essentially equivalent declaration in Fortran and limit its associated semantics. The form of the declaration proposed is TYPE(*) which extends the already existing TYPE(...) syntax, and borrows the "assumed" semantics associated with the use of * in declarations. In keeping with the rest of the TR, the idea is expanded to include assumed-shape, allocatable, and pointer variables. With those additions, a mechanism to ignore the rank is also needed. Syntax changes: --------------- At [49:R403]: Add "<> TYPE (*)" to the options for . At [92:515]: Add "<> " After [94:] in a new subclause named "Assumed-rank array" include a syntax rule: "R522a <> .." Semantics for assumed-type variables: ------------------------------------- An variable is a variable declared with TYPE (*). These constraints apply to assumed-type variables: C1) An variable shall be a dummy variable. C2) An variable shall not have the CODIMENSION, EXTERNAL, INTRINSIC, or VALUE attribute. Note: The ALLOCATABLE, ASYNCHRONOUS, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION, INTENT, OPTIONAL, POINTER, TARGET, and VOLATILE attributes are allowed. C3) An assumed-type variable may appear only as a dummy argument, an actual argument associated with a dummy argument that is assumed-type, or the first argument to these intrinsic and intrinsic module functions: ALLOCATED, ASSOCIATED, IS_CONTIGUOUS, LBOUND, PRESENT, SHAPE, SIZE, UBOUND, or C_LOC. Additional rules governing variables declared TYPE(*): An explicit interface is required for a procedure that has an assumed-type dummy argument. In the association of actual and dummy arguments, an assumed-type dummy argument is type and kind compatible with any actual data argument. In resolving a generic interface, corresponding dummy arguments may include a dummy argument of TYPE (*). Such a dummy is not distinguishable from other dummies based on type. That is, the other specifics in the generic must be distinguished based on the rank of this dummy or based on other arguments. A BIND(C) interface may specify dummy arguments that are assumed-type. If the dummy argument is a scalar, an explicit-shape array, or an assumed-size array, the corresponding formal parameter in the C prototype shall be a void pointer (void *). If the dummy argument has the ALLOCATABLE or POINTER attributes, or is assumed-shape or assumed-rank, the actual argument is passed as a descriptor, as specified elsewhere in the TR. Semantics for assumed-rank variables: ------------------------------------- An variable is a variable declared with an . These constraints apply: C4) An variable shall be a dummy variable. C5) An variable shall not have the CODIMENSION, EXTERNAL, INTRINSIC, or VALUE attribute. Note: The ALLOCATABLE, ASYNCHRONOUS, CONTIGUOUS, DIMENSION, INTENT, OPTIONAL, POINTER, TARGET, and VOLATILE attributes are allowed. C6) An assumed-rank variable may appear only as a dummy argument, an actual argument associated with a dummy argument that is assumed-rank, the argument of the C_LOC intrinsic function in the ISO_C_BINDING module, or the first argument in a reference to the intrinsic inquiry functions except LCOBOUND, UCOBOUND, and IMAGE_INDEX. A new inquiry intrinsic RANK is added to inquire about the rank of an array. Additional rules governing assumed-rank variables: An explicit interface is required for a procedure that has an assumed-rank dummy argument. In the association of actual and dummy arguments, an assumed-rank dummy argument is rank compatible with any actual array argument, or an actual scalar argument. If the actual argument is scalar, the dummy argument has rank zero and the shape and bounds are arrays of zero size. If the actual argument is an array, the bounds of the dummy argument are assumed from the actual argument. In other respects, the rules for assumed-rank dummy arguments are similar to those for assumed-shape arrays. In resolving a generic interface, corresponding dummy arguments may include an assumed-rank dummy argument. Disambiguation must rely on the type of the argument or on other arguments. A BIND(C) interface may specify dummy arguments that are assumed-rank. If the dummy argument is assumed-rank, the actual argument is passed as a descriptor, as specified elsewhere in the TR. Specification for a RANK inquiry function. ------------------------------------------ In Table 13.1: RANK (A) I Rank of a data object. Following the RANGE intrinsic in 13.7: 13.7.136a RANK (A) Description: Rank of a data object. Class: Inquiry function. Argument: A shall be a data object of any type. Result Characteristics: Default integer scalar. Result value: The result is the rank of A. Example: For an array X declared REAL :: X(:,:,:), RANK(X) is 3. ------------------- Example of TYPE (*) for an abstracted MPI routine with two arguments. The first argument is a data buffer of type (void *) and the second is an integer indicating the size of the buffer. The generic interface allows for both 4 and 8 byte integers, as a solution to the "-i8" compiler switch problem. In C: void MPI_xxx ( void * buffer, int n); In the Fortran MPI module: interface MPI_xxx subroutine MPI_xxx (buffer, n) bind(c,name="MPI_xxx") type(*),dimension(*) :: buffer integer(c_int),value :: n end subroutine MPI_xxx module procedure MPI_xxx_i8 end interface MPI_xxx ... subroutine MPI_xxx_i8 (buffer, n) type(*),dimension(*) :: buffer integer(8) :: n call MPI_xxx(buffer, int(n,c_int)) end subroutine MPI_xxx_i8 ----------------------- Example of assumed-type and assumed-rank for an abstracted MPI_send routine. In C: void MPI_send ( void * buffer, int n); void MPI_send_new ( void * buffer_desc); In the Fortran MPI module: interface MPI_send subroutine MPI_send_old (buffer, n) bind(c,name="MPI_send") type(*), dimension(*) :: buffer ! Passed by simple address integer(c_int),value :: n end subroutine subroutine MPI_send_new (buffer) bind(c,name="MPI_send_new") type(*), dimension(..), contiguous :: buffer ! Passed by descriptor including the shape and type end subroutine end interface real :: x(100), y(10,10) ! These will invoke MPI_send_old call MPI_send(x,size(x)) ! Passed by address call MPI_send(y,size(y)) ! Sequence association call MPI_send(y(:,1),size(y,dim=1)) ! Pass first column of y call MPI_send(y(1,5),size(y,dim=1)) ! Pass fifth column of y ! These will invoke MPI_send_new call MPI_send(x) ! Pass a rank-1 descriptor call MPI_send(y) ! Pass a rank-0 descriptor call MPI_send(y(:,1)) ! Passed by descriptor without copy call MPI_send(y(1,5)) ! Illegal: No sequence association -------------------- It is possible to "cast" a TYPE (*) object to a usable type, exactly as is done for void * objects in C. For example, this code fragment casts a block of memory to be used as an integer array. subroutine process(block, nbytes) type(*), target :: block(*) integer, intent(in) :: nbytes ! Number of bytes in block(*) integer :: nelems integer, pointer :: usable(:) nelems=nbytes/(bit_size(usable)/8) call c_f_pointer (c_loc(block), usable, [nelems] ) usable=0 ! Instead of the illegal block=0 end subroutine -------------------- Assumed-rank variables are not restricted to be assumed-type. For example, many of the procedures in Clause 14 could be written using an assumed-rank dummy argument instead of writing 16 separate specific routines for each possible rank. An example of an assumed-rank dummy argument for the specific procedures for a Clause 14 function. interface ieee_support_divide module procedure ieee_support_divide_noarg module procedure ieee_support_divide_onearg_r4 module procedure ieee_support_divide_onearg_r8 module procedure ieee_support_divide_onearg_r4_scalar module procedure ieee_support_divide_onearg_r8_scalar end interface ieee_support_divide ... logical function ieee_support_divide_noarg () ieee_support_divide_noarg = .true. end function ieee_support_divide_onearg_r4 logical function ieee_support_divide_onearg_r4 (x) real(4),dimension(..) :: x ieee_support_divide_onearg_r4 = .true. end function ieee_support_divide_onearg_r4 logical function ieee_support_divide_onearg_r8 (x) real(8),dimension(..) :: x ieee_support_divide_onearg_r8 = .true. end function ieee_support_divide_onearg_r8 logical function ieee_support_divide_onearg_r4_scalar (x) real(4) :: x ieee_support_divide_onearg_r4_scalar = .true. end function ieee_support_divide_onearg_r4_scalar logical function ieee_support_divide_onearg_r8_scalar (x) real(8) :: x ieee_support_divide_onearg_r8_scalar = .true. end function ieee_support_divide_onearg_r8_scalar