To: J3 09-114r3 From: John Reid/Stan Whitlock Subject: Namelist edits Date: 2009 February 12 References: J3/09-007 Discussion The word "name" is used sometimes in the text for namelist in the generalized sense of name or designator. This is misleading and should be corrected. The requirements that allocatable components of a namelist object be allocated and pointer components have targets are not given. Some of the text in really belongs in 10.11.2 or in a different subclause within and some needs rewording or is redundant. It was not intended to allow coindexed objects to appear in namelists. Our belief is that a very careful reading of the present text implies this, but we feel that it is desirable to make this clear. Edits are provided to correct these problems. Edits to 09-007 [268:16] In 10.11.1 General, replace "NAME=value" by "name-value" [268:24] In 10.11.2 Name-value subsequences, replace para 2 by "The designator shall be the name of an object of the (5.6) or shall designate a subobject of such an object, using the syntax of object designators (R601). It shall not contain a vector subscript or an and shall not designate a zero-sized array, a zero-sized array section, or a zero-length character string. Subscripts, strides, and substring range expressions shall be optionally signed integer literal constants with no kind type parameters specified. If a section subscript list appears, the number of section subscripts shall be equal to the rank of the object. If the namelist group object name is the name of a variable of derived type, the name in the input record may be either the name of the variable or the designator of one of its components, indicated by qualifying the variable name with the appropriate component name. Successive qualifications may be applied as appropriate to the shape and type of the variable represented. Each designator may be preceded and followed by one or more optional blanks but shall not contain embedded blanks." [269:1-3] In Overall syntax, replace para 2 by "The order of the name-value subsequences in the input records need not match the order of the names in the . The input records need not contain all the names in the . They may specify a part of an object more than once." [269:5-18] Delete subclause Namelist group object names [269:19] Namelist group object list items. Change title to "Namelist input processing". [269:20-21] In Namelist group object list items, insert at the end of para 1: "The definition status of a subobject of an object in the that does not occur in the input records remains unchanged. [269:22] In Namelist group object list items, at the start of para 2, change "name" to "designator". [269:28+] In Namelist group object list items, at the start of NOTE 10.35, change "the name in the input record is the name of an integer array" to "the designator in the input record designates an integer array" [272:3-4] In Form of namelist output, replace the first two sentences by "The form of the output produced shall be suitable for input, except for character output or output produced by defined output. The names in the output are in upper case."