To: J3 09-116 From: Bill Long and John Reid Subject: Coindexed actual arguments Date: 2009 January 26 References: J3/09-007 Discussion It was always intended that the rules for coindexed actual arguments be based on the model of the processor making a copy on the executing image and then making an ordinary call. See, for example, NOTE 12.23 If the actual argument is a coindexed object, a processor that uses distributed memory might create a copy on the executing image of the actual argument, including copies of any allocated allocatable subcomponents, and associate the dummy argument with that copy. If necessary, on return from the procedure, the value of the copy would be copied back to the actual argument. We seem to have overlooked excluding sequence association for a coindexed actual argument. If this were allowed, the processor would always have to copy all the array elements from the given element onwards whenever the interface is implicit. Edits are provided to correct this. Edits to 09-007 [298:28-30] In Ordinary dummy variables, para. 13, sentence 1, change "If the actual argument is scalar," to "If the actual argument is scalar and is coindexed, the corresponding dummy argument shall be scalar. If the actual argument is scalar and is not coindexed,". [302:30] In Sequence association, para. 1, sentence 1, after "array expression" change "," to "or a non-coindexed scalar that is".