09-227r1 To: J3 From: Malcolm Cohen/Robert Corbett Subject: Currently is not in vogue Date: 2009 May 06 1. Introduction The use of the word "currently" should be avoided. The requirements of the standard are not supposed to vary in time. Note that some of the current "currently"s are addressed by 09-167r1. 2. Edits [196:11,15] "currently locked" -> "locked" twice. [208:21] replace "currently in effect" with "of the existing connection" [208:26] "any previously executed" -> "an", [208:27] "currently executed" -> "subsequent". {Fix grammar.} [211:19] delete "currently". {We just say "is connected" everywhere else.} [260:18] Delete "currently in effect". {We just say "scale factor" everywhere else.} [403:3,6,15] Delete "currently" thrice. 3. Other time-dependent terms not addressed by this paper Many of the current uses of "current" are also unnecessary and some of them look incorrect. However, there are 98 of them (just the lowercase ones); fixing those is beyond the scope of this paper and even just checking them is beyond the current energy level of the editor. ===END===