To: J3 11-116 From: John Reid Subject: Interop: UTI TR8 Date: 2011 January 26 References: N1838, ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010 DISCUSSION In N1838, 3.3 para 1 makes it clear that an assumed-rank dummy argument takes its rank from that of the corresponding actual argument, which is incompatible with sequence association. Unresolved Technical Issue TR8 asks for an edit to the standard that makes this clear. EDIT to N1838: [5:13] At the end of the sentence, add The following edit to ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010 is needed, since an assumed-rank dummy argument has the rank of the corresponding actual argument, which is incompatible with sequence association. Ordinary dummy variables In paragraph 13, line 4, after 'assumed-shape,' add 'assumed-rank'.