To: J3 11-131r2 From: R. Bader/Toon Moene/Bill Long Subject: examples for use of entities of interoperable assumed type Date: 2011 February 18 References: N1838 INTRODUCTION: Annex A of N1838 contains an example (A.1.2) which demonstrates how assumed type dummy arguments can be used. However, there are bugs: * The argument "n" in the EXAMPLE_send_old invocation is of the wrong type (invocation with c_sizeof requires casting to c_int, or the dummy argument should be of kind c_size_t). * One cannot use sequence association in a generic interface, so the old routine doesn't work for rank > 1 actual arguments." Therefore, this paper suggests a rewrite of this example. Furthermore, a new example demonstrating the handling of an allocatable interoperable unlimited polymorphic entity is added. Since the changes to the existing text are extensive, the EDITS section asks for a complete replacement of A.1.2. Some modifications to A.1.1 are also suggested. EDITS to N1838: Make following changes to the example A.1.1 (wording improvements) and move it to come after A.1.2+1 (which is described in the following): [19:7] Replace "the second is an integer" by "the second argument is an integer" [19:8-9] Replace "The generic interface ... switch probem." with "The generic interface accepts both 32-bit and 64-bit integers as the buffer size, converting them to "C int" since the caller will probably want to use default integer and the size of default integer varies depending on the compiler and option used." [19:10] Replace "In C" by "The C prototype is" [19:11+] Add line "and it is assumed an implementation exists." [19:12} Replace "In the Fortran module" with "The Fortran module has the public generic interface" [19:14+] Insert new line: "use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding" [19:21] Replace "..." by "and the module procedure" [19:23+] Insert new line: "use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding" Remove the section A.1.2 in N1838, and replace it by "A.1.1a Using assumed type in the context of interoperation with C The mechanism for handling unlimited polymorphic entities whose dynamic type is interoperable with C is designed to handle the following two situations: (1) An entity corresponding to a C pointer to void. This is a start address, and no further information about the entity is available via the language rules. This situation occurs if the entity is a nonallocatable nonpointer scalar or is an array of assumed size or explicit shape. For entities in this first category, it is the programmer's responsibility to explicitly provide additional information on the size (e.g., in units of bytes) and possibly also the type of the object pointed to. (2) An entity of interoperable dynamic type for which additional information on state, type and size is implicitly provided with the entity. All unlimited polymorphic entities with the POINTER or ALLOCATABLE attribute, or of assumed shape or rank, fall into this category. Within C, entities in the second category require the use of a C descriptor. The rules of the language ensure that, within Fortran, entities of the first category cannot be used in a context where the additional information needed for the second category is required but unavailable. However, it is possible to use entities of the second category in a context where the Fortran processor simply needs to extract the starting address from the entity to convert it to the first category. Within C, the programmer must explicitly perform this extraction. The examples A.1.2 - A.1.4 illustrate some uses of assumed type entities. A.1.2 Example for mapping of interfaces with void * C parameters to Fortran A C interface for message passing or I/O functionality could be provided in the form int EXAMPLE_send(const void *buffer, size_t buffer_size, const HANDLE_t *handle); where the buffer_size argument is given in units of bytes, and the handle argument (which is of a type aliased to int) provides information about the target the buffer is to be transferred to. In this example, type resolution is not required. The first method provides a thin binding; a call to EXAMPLE_send from Fortran directly invokes the C function. interface integer(c_int) function EXAMPLE_send(buffer, buffer_size, & handle) bind(c,name='EXAMPLE_send') use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding type(*), dimension(*), intent(in) :: buffer integer(c_size_t), value :: buffer_size integer(c_int), intent(in) :: handle end function EXAMPLE_send end interface It is assumed that this interface is declared in the specification part of a module mod_EXAMPLE_old. Example invocations from Fortran then are use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding use mod_EXAMPLE_old real(c_float) :: x(100) integer(c_int) :: y(10,10) real(c_double) :: z integer(c_int) :: status, handle : ! assign values to x, y, z and initialize handle status = EXAMPLE_send(x, c_sizeof(x), handle) status = EXAMPLE_send(y, c_sizeof(y), handle) status = EXAMPLE_send((/ z /), c_sizeof(z), handle) In these invocations, x and y are passed by address, and for y the sequence association rules ( of ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010) allow this. For z, it is necessary to explicitly create an array expression. status = EXAMPLE_send(y, c_sizeof(y(:,1)), handle) passes the first column of y (again by address). status = EXAMPLE_send(y(1,5), c_sizeof(y(:,5)), handle) passes the fifth column of y using the sequence association rules. The second method provides a Fortran interface which is easier to use, but requires writing a separate C wrapper routine; this is commonly called a "fat binding". In this implementation, a C descriptor is created because the buffer is declared with assumed rank in the Fortran interface; the use of an optional argument is also demonstrated. interface subroutine example_send(buffer, handle, status) & BIND(C, name='EXAMPLE_send_fortran') use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding type(*), dimension(..), contiguous, intent(in) :: buffer integer(c_int), intent(in) :: handle integer(c_int), intent(out), optional :: status end subroutine example_send end interface It is assumed that this interface is declared in the specification part of a module mod_EXAMPLE_new. Example invocations from Fortran then are use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding use mod_EXAMPLE_new type, bind(c) :: my_derived integer(c_int) :: len_used real(c_float) :: stuff(100) end type type(my_derived) :: w(3) real(c_float) :: x(100) integer(c_int) :: y(10,10) real(c_double) :: z integer(c_int) :: status, handle : ! assign values to w, x, y, z and initialize handle call EXAMPLE_send(w, handle, status) call EXAMPLE_send(x, handle) call EXAMPLE_send(y, handle) call EXAMPLE_send(z, handle) call EXAMPLE_send(y(:,5), handle) ! fifth column of y call EXAMPLE_send(y(1,5), handle) ! scalar y(1,5) passed by descriptor However, the following call from Fortran is not allowed type(*) :: d(*) ! is a dummy argument : call EXAMPLE_send(d(1:4), handle, status) and would be rejected during compilation. The wrapper routine implemented in C reads #include "ISO_Fortran_binding.h" void EXAMPLE_send_fortran(const CFI_cdesc_t *buffer, const HANDLE_t *handle, int *status) { int status_local; size_t buffer_size; int i; buffer_size = 1; for (i=0; irank; i++) { buffer_size *= buffer->dim[i].extent; } buffer_size *= buffer->elem_len; status_local = EXAMPLE_send(buffer->base_addr,buffer_size, handle); if (status != NULL) status = status_local; } A.1.2+1 A constructor for an interoperable unlimited polymorphic entity" <> "Given the Fortran interface definition interface subroutine construct_discriminated_union(this, fname) bind(c) use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding type(*), allocatable, intent(out) :: this character(c_char), intent(in) :: fname(*) end subroutine construct_discriminated_union end interface a C routine can be implemented which performs typed allocation of "this" based on information read from a file: #include "ISO_Fortran_binding.h" void construct_discriminated_union(CFI_cdesc_t *this, const char *fname) { int type_param, this_elem_len; CFI_Index_t lower_bounds[1], upper_bounds[1]; : /* open file fname and read type_param */ /* might want to check that this->type has the value CFI_type_unspecified */ switch (type_param) { case CFI_type_int: CFI_establish_cdesc(this, /* base_addr */ NULL, CFI_attribute_allocatable, CFI_type_int, sizeof(int), this->rank, /* dim */ NULL); break; : /* case statements for further intrinsic types */ case CFI_type_struct: this_elem_len = ...; /* programmer knows how big all used types are */ CFI_establish_cdesc(this, /* base_addr */ NULL, CFI_attribute_allocatable, CFI_type_struct, this_elem_len, this->rank, /* dim */ NULL); break; } : /* Read the bounds from the file */ CFI_allocate(this, lower_bounds, upper_bounds); : /* read contents from file into this->base_addr, then close file */ } Error conditioning has been omitted from the above code to keep it readable. Invocation from Fortran then can be done using the following: use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding class(*), allocatable, target :: this_actual character(len=10) :: fname = c_char_'InputFile' // c_null_char integer, pointer :: type_info call construct_discriminated_union(this_actual, fname) select type (this_actual) type is (integer(c_int)) : ! further processing of integer quantities type is (...) ! all further occurring intrinsic types : class default ! not of intrinsic type type_info => this_actual ! unsafe pointer assignment to beginning ! of storage area, contains a type tag select case(type_info) : ! process various interoperable derived : ! types via unsafe pointer assignment end select end select The type compatibility rules disallow using anything but an unlimited polymorphic entity as an actual argument to the subprogram construct_discriminated_union()."