To: J3 11-137 From: Reinhold Bader and John Reid Subject: Minor items from N1844 Date: 2011 January 30 References: N1838 INTRODUCTION: This paper collects (with one exception) the minor comments from N1844 that are not already covered in other papers. (The exception is a comment on section 5.2.7 para 1 which needs a separate paper since it may involve a technical change). EDITS to N1838: [3:16-17] On line 16, add "one of" before "the intrinsic"; on line 17, change "or" to "and". [5:11] Change "the bounds" to "the rank and bounds". [5:21+] Reword NOTE 3.1 to "Because the type and type parameters of an assumed-type dummy argument are assumed from its effective argument, neither can be used for generic resolution. Similarly, the rank of an assumed-rank dummy argument cannot be used for generic resolution." [9:30] Add period at line end. [11:1-3] Replace the paragraph by "If any actual argument is associated with a dummy argument that is an assumed-size array, the array shall be simply contiguous, the member attribute shall have the value CFI_attribute_unknown_size and the member extent of the last dimension of member dim shall have the value -2." [14:3] Replace "for use in C functions" by "for invocation from C". [14:7-8] Replace "Pointer objects" by "A pointer object". [15:12] Delete comma after "void *". [15:39] Add comma after "pointer". [16:5-6] Move the sentence "Since ..." to a note, since it is just explanation. [Redundant if 11-123 is accepted.] [16:14] Change "while the members of the descriptor are capable of being referenced" to "while the descriptor represents the object". [17:17-19] Delete 5.3 [The contents of and 5.2.7 make this redundant.] [20:4] Change "the shape" to "the rank, shape,".