13-229 To: J3 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Interp on initialization and PARAMETERs Date: 2013/01/29 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F08/0090 TITLE: What restrictions apply to initialization and PARAMETER? KEYWORDS: PARAMETER, initialization, conformable, type conversion DEFECT TYPE: Clarification or Erratum STATUS: J3 consideration in progress QUESTION: Consider the programs Program m200c3_1 Integer :: a(10,10) Parameter (a = [ (i,i=1,100) ] ) Print *,a End Program Program m200c3_2 Parameter (b = 'ok') Print *,b End Program Program m200c3_3 Integer :: x(23) = [ 1 ] Print *,x End Program Program m200c3_4 Integer :: y = 'ok' Print *,y End Program The PARAMETER statement for the named constant A has an expression whose shape does not conform with that of A. The PARAMETER statement for the named constant B has an expression whose type does not conform to that of B. The for X is not conformable in shape. The for Y is not conformable in type. There appears to be no requirement either for shape or type conformance, in Fortran 2008 or in previous Fortran standards, except for initializing data pointers. Q1. Do any of these programs conform to Fortran 2008? Q2. If there is meant to be a requirement for the shapes to conform or for the types to be convertible, should this not be a constraint? ANSWER: A1. No, these programs do not conform to Fortran 2008, as no interpretation is established for any of them. Edits are provided to clarify this. A2. This is not a constraint. A future revision of Fortran might choose to mandate diagnosis of these errors. EDIT to 10-007r1: [88:30+] 5.2.1 Syntax, Insert new paragraph at end of subclause "If appears for a nonpointer entity, - its type and type parameters shall conform as specified for intrinsic assignment (; - if the entity has implied shape, the rank of shall be the same as the rank of the entity; - if the entity does not have implied shape, shall either be scalar or have the same shape as the entity.". [107:12+] 5.4.11 PARAMETER statement, after p2, Insert new paragraph "The constant expression that corresponds to a named constant shall have type and type parameters that conform with the named constant as specified for intrinsic assignment ( If the named constant has implied shape, the expression shall have the same rank as the named constant; otherwise, the expression shall either be scalar or have the same rank as the named constant.". SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: 13-nnn m200 Submitted by Malcolm Cohen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------