J3/13-248 To: J3 From: Van Snyder Subject: Interp F03/0051 Date: 2013 February 14 1. Introduction Interp F03/0051 failed with a NO vote from Jim Xia. It should have failed for an entirely different reason. The subroutine that defines formatted input excutes an INQUIRE statement for the internal unit. This is explicitly prohibited by ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F03/0051 TITLE: Repeat specifiers and UDDTIO KEYWORDS: repeat specifier, POS=, UDDTIO DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: J3 consideration in progress QUESTION: Consider the following program: MODULE m TYPE t INTEGER :: i INTEGER :: j END TYPE INTEGER :: ipos INTERFACE READ(FORMATTED) MODULE PROCEDURE formattedReadT END INTERFACE CONTAINS SUBROUTINE formattedReadT (dtv, unit, iotype, vlist, iostat, iomsg) CLASS(T), INTENT(INOUT) :: dtv INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: unit CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: iotype INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: vlist(:) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: iostat CHARACTER(*), INTENT(INOUT) :: iomsg READ(unit, *) dtv%i INQUIRE(unit, POS=ipos) READ(unit, *) dtv%j END SUBROUTINE END MODULE PROGRAM foo USE m TYPE(t) :: a OPEN(10, FILE='file.txt', ACCESS='stream', FORM='formatted') WRITE(10, '(A)') '2*3 5' REWIND(10) READ(10, *) a PRINT *, a%i, a%j, ipos END PROGRAM 10.9 of Fortran 2003 states that the r*c form of list-directed input is equivalent to r occurrences of c. So, when the read is performed, it is as if the input record contains two occurrences of the number 3. The first child read statement reads the first 3, and does not advance the file position to the next record (because it is a child data transfer statement). It appears that the second read statement should read the second 3. But the file position between the child read statements is unclear. What does the above program print? ANSWER: The standard does specify the behavior of a processor when a list directed input record contains a r*c constant, but that is irrelevant to the question at hand. Executing an INQUIRE statement using an internal unit is prohibited by The program does not conform. EDITS: None. SUBMITTED BY: Rob James HISTORY: 05-142 m171 F03/0051 submitted 05-142r2 m171 Passed by J3 meeting 05-167/170 m172 Failed J3 letter ballot #11 06-369r1 m178 Passed by J3 meeting 07-250r1/272 m181 Failed J3 letter ballot #13 13-nnn m200 Revised ----------------------------------------------------------------------