J3/13-258r1 From: Van Snyder, Bill Long To: J3 Date: 2013 June 27 Subject: Oversights in TS 18508 1. The problems --------------- There are no constraints in the TS 18508 draft against a CYCLE or EXIT statement belonging to a construct outer to a CHANGE TEAM construct, or for a RETURN statement belonging to a CHANGE TEAM construct. 2. Edits to N1967 (TS 18508 draft) ----------------------------------------- [9:32+] In 5.3 CHANGE TEAM construct, after C501, add two constraints: "C501a (R501) A RETURN statement shall not appear within a CHANGE TEAM construct. C501b (R501) An within a CHANGE TEAM construct shall not belong to an outer construct. C501c (R501) An within a CHANGE TEAM construct shall not belong to an outer construct."