13-272 From: Steve Lionel To: J3 Date: 2013 June 24 Subject: Added restriction on OLD in ATOMIC intrinsics in TS 18508 Discussion ---------- It was noted that, according to the current wording in TS 18508, the OLD argument could be a coarray, thus requiring two synchronizations for a single atomic operation. This should be disallowed. Edits to N1967 (TS 18508 draft) -------------------------------------- [16:6] In 7.3.1 after "same type as ATOM" insert " and shall not be a coarray or a subobject of a coarray". [16:20] In 7.3.2 after "same type as ATOM" insert " and shall not be a coarray or a subobject of a coarray". [16:35] In 7.3.3 after "same type as ATOM" insert " and shall not be a coarray or a subobject of a coarray". [17:9] In 7.3.4 after "same type as ATOM" insert " and shall not be a coarray or a subobject of a coarray". [17:22] In 7.3.5 after "same type as ATOM" insert " and shall not be a coarray or a subobject of a coarray".