13-287r1 From: Bill Long To: J3 Date: 2013 June 28 Subject: Misc collective fixes Discussion: ----------- Edits are needed in TS subclause 7.2 Collective subroutines to better specify the STAT argument requirements and semantics. Edits to N1967: --------------- [15:14] Replace "calls to" by "invocations of". [15:19] At the end of 7.2p3 add a sentence: "If the STAT argument is present in the invocation on one image it shall be present on the corresponding invocations on all of the images of the present team." [15:32] A the end of 7.2p5 add a sentence: "If a condition occurs that would assign a nonzero value to a STAT argument but the STAT argument is not present, error termination is initiated."