To: J3 13-291 From: Daniel Chen Subject: FORM TEAM and image index Date: 27 June 2013 References: N1967 Discussion: ~~~~~~~~~~~ It is desired to assign specific index numbers to images of a subteam. For example, it allows users replacing an failed image in the current team with a spare image and assign the same image index number as the failed image to it. Edits to N1967: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [10:18] Replacing R505 with the following: "R505 is FORM SUBTEAM (, [,] [,]) [10:19] Insert the following after line 19 "R507 is " [10:22] At the end of line 22, insert the following: "The value of specifies the index of the executing image in the subteam specifed by . It shall be a positive number and less or equal to the number of images in the subteam. Each image in a subteam shall have a unique index."