To: J3 J3/13-334r2 From: John Reid & Bill Long Subject: Events problem Date: 2013 October 18 Reference: N1983 Discussion ---------- There seem to be problems with the producer-consumer program on page 34 of N1983. The essence of the body of the inner do loop is CALL EVENT_QUERY(EVENT[I], COUNT) IF (I/= THIS_IMAGE) THEN IF (COUNT==0) THEN ! Produce some work for image I EVENT_POST(EVENT[I]) END IF ELSE EVENT_WAIT(EVENT) ! Consume some work END IF If the executing image produces some work for image I, where does it put it? Presumably on image I, so that the consumer has ready access to it. There is nothing to stop two images producing work for image I at the same time - an obvious data race. A possible solution is to limit count values to 0 and 1 and make it an error to post to an event with count 1. This allows the code to be changed to IF (I/= THIS_IMAGE()) THEN EVENT_POST(PRODUCE[I],STAT=STATUS) IF (STATUS==STAT_ALREADY_POSTED) CYCLE ! Produce some work for image I EVENT_POST(CONSUME[I]) ELSE EVENT_WAIT(CONSUME) ! Consume some work EVENT_WAIT(PRODUCE) END IF Now, if the executing image manages to post to PRODUCE[I], it knows that it is the only image producing work for image I and it is safe to place the work in the agreed coarrays on I. When the work has been produced, it posts to CONSUME[I]. Image I waits for this post and then consumes the work. The event PRODUCE remains posted while this is done, which prevents other images overwriting the data with a new work item. A further advantage of this is that the work is well balanced - we cannot have a large number of work items waiting on one image while others have none. There are two further problems with the existing example. First, there is no exit. Second, all images start by trying to post to image I. These are fixed in the replacement below. To keep the code simple, I have made the effect of finding an erroneous stat value be a simple exit. An alternative to limiting the count value to 0 and 1 is to have an optional specifier that gives a limit on count value. If the count is found to be at the limit, there would be an error return and the count would not be changed. Edits are provided for this alternative, too. Nick Maclaren says that the first approach means that events do not introduce any more segment ordering issues than are already present with locks, and that it resolves all of the issues he described in J3/13-352, except for the first question. However, he says that the second approach resolves only some of them. At the request of Nick Maclaren, I have added a note to say that it is expected that an image will continue executing after posting an event without waiting for an EVENT_WAIT statement to execute on the image of the event variable. Nick thinks that this should be in normative text. My opinion is that this is a quality-of-implementation issue. Subgroup chose the alternate edits, and to continue allowing coindexed event variables in EVENT_QUERY. Edits to N1983 -------------- [13:25] Change "" to "". [13:26+] Add "R602a <> MAX_COUNT = <> " [13:29] At the end of the paragraph add: "If the MAX_COUNT= specifier appears in an EVENT POST statement and the count of the event variable is greater than equal to the value given by the MAX_COUNT= specifier, causes an error condition in the EVENT POST statement. If the STAT= specifier appears, the STAT= variable is assigned the value STAT_ALREADY_POSTED from the intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV." [13:29+] Add NOTE 6.0 It is expected that an image will continue executing after posting an event without waiting for an EVENT WAIT statement to execute on the image of the event variable. [29:41+] At the end of 8.7 Edits to clause 13, add "{In 13.8.2 The ISO_FORTRAN_ENV intrinsic module, add} STAT_ALREADY_POSTED The value of the default integer scalar constant STAT_ALREADY_POSTED is given to the STAT= variable in an EVENT POST statement if the count of the event variable is greater than the value given by the MAX_COUNT= specifier. [34:19-48] Replace example by PROGRAM PROD_CONS USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV INTEGER I, STATUS TYPE(EVENT_TYPE) :: PRODUCE[*], CONSUME[*] I = THIS_IMAGE() DO I = I + 1 IF (I>NUM_IMAGES()) I = 1 IF (I/= THIS_IMAGE()) THEN EVENT POST(PRODUCE[I], MAX_COUNT=1, STAT=STATUS) IF (STATUS==STAT_ALREADY_POSTED) CYCLE IF (STATUS/=0) EXIT ! Produce some work for image i EVENT POST(CONSUME[I],STAT=STATUS) IF (STATUS/=0) EXIT ELSE EVENT WAIT(CONSUME,STAT=STATUS) IF (STATUS/=0) EXIT ! Consume the work EVENT WAIT(PRODUCE,STAT=STATUS) IF (STATUS/=0) EXIT END IF ! If all work done, exit END DO ! If work remaining, print message END PROGRAM PROD_CONS