To: J3 J3/14-110r1 From: Reinhold Bader & John Reid Subject: Coshaping and coindexing in teams Date: 2014 February 13 References: N1996, N1999 Discussion: ~~~~~~~~~~~ Discussion in HPC has reaffirmed the conclusion there needs to be a way of associating a coarray in a change team construct with a coarray in its parent team that allows the corank and cobounds to be changed. Allowing the names to be different permits safer programming practice. Syntax illustrated by this example is proposed here CHANGE TEAM(BLOCK, A[*]=>B, C[16,*]=>D) which means that the parent coarrays B and D are accessible in the construct with coshapes [*] and [16,*]. Discussion in HPC also recognized the need to be able to access a coarray in a sibling team using the sibling's cosubscripts. Syntax illustrated by this example is proposed here A[i,team_id=3] = ... where the integer that was used to identify the team in the FORM TEAM statement is used to identify the sibling. An issue with the TEAM feature noted in N1999 is the lack of a precise definition for what the corank and cobounds of a coarray are when the team execution context changes. This is remedied. Two examples are provided for inclusion in the Annex. Edits to N1996: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 5.1: [9:4-6] Replace "Syntax ... current team." by "Syntax and semantics of (R624 in ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010) have been extended to determine how cosubscripts are mapped to image indices for both sibling and ancestor team references." Section 5.3: [10:5] Change "[, ]" to "[, ] [, ]". [10:5+] Add "R502a <> => [] [] R502b <> C503b The in the shall not be the same as any in the ." [10:18+] Add "A shall be established when the CHANGE TEAM statement begins execution." [10:23+] Add "A in a associates a coarray with an established coarray during the execution of the block. This coarray is an associating entity (,, Its name is an associate name that has the scope of the construct. It has the declared type, dynamic type, type parameters, rank, and bounds of the coselector. Apart from the final upper cobound, its corank and cobounds are those specified in the . Within a CHANGE TEAM construct, a coarray that does not appear in a has the corank and cobounds that it had when it was established, apart from its final upper cobound. Within a CHANGE TEAM construct, the final upper cobound of a coarray is determined from the number of images in the current team." Section 5.4: [10:38] In R624, after add "[, TEAM_ID = ]" [10:38+] Add "C508a (R624) and TEAM_ID = shall not both appear in the same . " [11:1-7] Replace by "If appears in a coarray designator, it shall be defined with the value that represents an ancestor of the current team. The coarray shall be established in that team or an ancestor of that team and the cosubscripts are interpreted as if the current team were that team. If TEAM_ID = appears in a coarray designator, the shall be defined with the value of a for one of the teams that were formed by the execution of the FORM TEAM statement for the the current team." [[Definition of "established" is in section 8 edits for clause 2.4.7]] [11:7+] In the code of Note 5.2: line 3, Change "A" to "B" line 9, replace by CHANGE TEAM(BLOCK,A[*]=>B) Section 8: [28:25+] Add a new edit: {In 2.4.7 Coarray, after paragraph 1, add a new paragraph as follows.} A nonallocatable coarray that is neither a dummy argument nor host associated with a dummy argument is established in the initial team. An allocated allocatable coarray is established in the team in which it was allocated. An unallocated allocatable coarray is not established. An associating coarray is established in the team of its CHANGE TEAM block. A nonallocatable coarray that is a dummy argument or host associated with a dummy argument is established in the team of the corresponding actual argument. In paragraph 2, change "an image" to "an image of a team", and "other image" to "other image of that team". In paragraph 3, edit the first sentence as follows: change "all images" to "all images of a team". In paragraph 4, edit the first sentence as follows: change "any image" to "any image of the current team". [33:18+] Add two new edits: {16.4 Statement and construct entities, add a new paragraph after paragraph 8} The associate names of a CHANGE TEAM construct have the scope of the block. They have the declared type, dynamic type, type parameters, rank, and bounds of the corresponding coselector. { Construct association, append to the paragraph 1} Execution of a CHANGE TEAM statement establishes an association between each coselector and the corresponding associate name of the construct. Annex A [37:10+] Add A.1.3 Accessing coarrays in sibling teams. The following program shows the subdivision of a 4 x 4 grid into 2 x 2 teams and addressing of sibling teams. PROGRAM DEMO ! Initial team : 16 images. Algorithm design is a 4 x 4 grid. ! Desire 4 teams, for the upper left (UL), upper right (UR), ! Lower left (LL), lower right (LR) USE,INTRINSIC :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, ONLY: team_type TYPE (team_type) :: t INTEGER,PARAMETER :: UL=11, UR=22, LL=33, LR=44 REAL :: A(10,10)[4,*] INTEGER :: mype, teamid, newpe INTEGER :: UL_image_list(4) = [1, 2, 5, 6], & LL_image_list(4) = UL_image_list + 2, & UR_image_list(4) = UL_image_list + 8, & LR_image_list(4) = UL_image_list + 10 mype = THIS_IMAGE() IF (any(mype == UL_image_list)) teamid = UL IF (any(mype == LL_image_list)) teamid = LL IF (any(mype == UR_image_list)) teamid = UR IF (any(mype == LR_image_list)) teamid = LR FORM TEAM (teamid, t) a = 3.14 CHANGE TEAM (t, b[2,*] => a) ! Inside change team, image pattern for B is a 2 x 2 grid b(5,5) = b(1,1)[2,1] ! Outside the team addressing: newpe = THIS_IMAGE() SELECT CASE (team_id()) CASE (UL) IF (newpe == 3) THEN b(:,10) = b(:,1)[1, 1, TEAM_ID=UR] ! Right column of UL gets ! left column of UR ELSE IF (newpe == 4) THEN b(:,10) = b(:,1)[2, 1, TEAM_ID=UR] END IF CASE (LL) ! Similar to complete column exchange across middle of the ! original grid END SELECT END TEAM END PROGRAM DEMO A.1.4 Reducing the codimension of a coarray. This example illustrates how to use a subroutine to coordinate cross-image access to a coarray for row and column processing. PROGRAM USE, INTRINSIC :: iso_fortran_env, ONLY : team_type IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(team_type), target :: row_team, col_team TYPE(team_type), pointer :: used_team REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: a(:,:)[:,:] INTEGER :: ip, na, p, me(2) p = ... ; q = ... ! such that p**q == num_images() na = ... ! local problem size ! allocate and initialize data ALLOCATE(a(na,na)[p,*]) a = ... me = this_image(a) FORM TEAM(me(1), row_team, NEW_INDEX=me(2)) FORM TEAM(me(2), col_team, NEW_INDEX=me(1)) ! make a decision on whether to process by row or column IF (...) THEN used_team => row_team ELSE used_team => col_team END IF ... ! do local computations on a CHANGE TEAM (used_team) CALL further_processing(a, ...) END TEAM CONTAINS SUBROUTINE further_processing(a, ...) REAL :: a(:,:)[*] INTEGER :: ip ! update ip-th row or column submatrix a(:,:)[ip] = ... SYNC ALL ... ! do further local computations on a END SUBROUTINE END PROGRAM