J3/14-139r3 To: J3 Subject: Variable definition context and Pointer association context From: Van Snyder Date: 2014 June 25 1. Introduction =============== Everywhere the term "variable definition context" is used, except in subclause 12.7 "Pure procedures," and subclause C.4.4 "Pointers in variable-definition contexts," it applies only to nonpointer variables. Items (2) and (3) in the list of variable definition contexts in 16.6.7p1 "Variable definition context" are actually pointer association contexts; they are the first and second items in 16.6.8p1 "Pointer association context". Item (12) in 16.6.7p1 does not constitute a variable definition context if both the actual and dummy arguments are pointers. The fourth item in 16.6.8p1 "Pointer association context" covers the case when they're both pointers. The fourth item in 16.6.8p1 "Pointer association context" is defective in using "associated" where it ought to use "corresponding". C.4.4p1 at [488:24] is incorrect, at least until the changes here to 16.6.7 are done, and maybe even then. 2. Edits to 14-007r1 ==================== [314:32+ C1296(1)+] Insert a list item "(1a) in a pointer association context (16.6.8)," {This recovers items (2), (3) and (12) from 16.6.7p1, which are deleted below.} [315:1-2 C1296(6)] Delete "with INTENT(OUT) or INTENT(INOUT)" from item (6) because it is covered by 16.6.7p1(12). [477:38-478:1 16.6.7p1(2-3)] Delete the list items because they're not variable definition contexts, and don't apply to nonpointer variables. [478:12 16.6.7p1(12)] Append ", unless both the dummy argument and the actual argument are pointers" at the end of the item, because an actual argument pointer corresponding to a dummy argument pointer is not a variable definition context, and doesn't apply to nonpointer variables. [478:26-27 16.6.8p1, fourth list item] Replace "associated" with "corresponding". [502:22,24] Delete the hyphens because "variable-definition" does not appear anywhere else (maybe it ought to be "variable-definition context" everywhere, but that would be a bigger edit).