J3/14-140 To: J3 From: Van Snyder Subject: Interp concerning LOCK_TYPE and POINTER Date: 2014 April 03 Reference: 14-138, 14-139 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This paper ought not to be pursued as an interpretation if 14-138 is adopted as a work item. Assume LOCK_TYPE is accessible from ISO_Fortran_Env. QUESTION 1: The following type definition and variable declaration are permitted by C1302: type :: One type(lock_type), pointer :: L end type One type(one), allocatable :: L1[*], L2[*] Assuming L1 and L2 have been allocated, was it intended that the following pointer assignment be prohibited? l1%l => l2%l Was it intended that the following statement be prohibited? nullify ( l1%l ) QUESTION 2: C1302 requires a named variable of LOCK_TYPE to be a coarray. C526 requires a coarray to be allocatable or to have the SAVE attribute. The following declaration is apparently prohibited because L4 is not a coarray: type(lock_type), pointer :: L4 Was it intended that pointer components of type LOCK_TYPE be permitted, but that named variables of type LOCK_TYPE with the POINTER attribute be prohibited? A named variable of type LOCK_TYPE is permitted to be an actual argument in a reference to the function C_LOC from the intrinsic module ISO_C_Binding. Once one has the C address of a variable of type LOCK_TYPE there is nothing that can be done with it because a variable of type LOCK_TYPE cannot be a pointer, and therefore one cannot recover a Fortran pointer from a C address using C_F_POINTER. ANSWER 1: It was not intended to prohibit a component of type LOCK_TYPE to be a or a in a pointer assignment statement. It was not intended to prohibit a component of type LOCK_TYPE to be a in a NULLIFY statement. Edits are provided to correct this. ANSWER 2: It was not intended to prohibit pointers of type LOCK_TYPE. It was not intended that if pointers of type LOCK_TYPE were to be permitted that they would be prohibited in pointer-association contexts other than allocation and deallocation. EDITS: In C1302 in subclause LOCK_TYPE, after "coarray" insert "or a pointer". In C1303 in subclause LOCK_TYPE, after "" insert "if it is not a pointer, as the in a NULLIFY statement, as a or in a pointer assignment statement, as an actual argument in a reference to a procedure with explicit interface if it is a pointer and the corresponding dummy argument has INTENT(OUT)". In C1304 in subclause LOCK_TYPE, after "" insert "if it is not a pointer, as the in a NULLIFY statement, as a or in a pointer assignment statement, as an actual argument in a reference to a procedure with explicit interface if it is a pointer and the corresponding dummy argument has INTENT(OUT)". After this correction, the only circumstance in which "variable definition context" appears, and does not apply only to nonpointers, is in C1293 in subclause 12.7 "Pure procedures." If C1293 were revised to include "in a pointer association context", items(2) and (3) in the list in subclause 16.6.7 "Variable definition context" could be removed, and item (12) could explicitly apply in the case that the actual argument and dummy argument are not both pointers. If the list in subclause 16.6.7 "Variable definition context" were thereby revised, as advocated in 14-139, C1303 and C1304 could be substantially simplified. SUBMITTED BY: Van Snyder HISTORY: m204 13-xxx Submitted ----------------------------------------------------------------------