J3/14-142 To: J3 Subject: Coarray pointers feature proposal From: Van Snyder Date: 2014 April 16 Reference: 14-138 1. Introduction =============== A pointer can be associated with a coarray, but it cannot then be coindexed. This is unhelpful. Paper 14-138 advocates to allow the in a LOCK or UNLOCK statement to be a pointer, and puts constraints on LOCK_TYPE in a pointer assignment statement to ensure it is associated with a coarray. This would work to access the local image, but a pointer cannot be coindexed. Not being able to coindex the pointer in a LOCK or UNLOCK statement is unhelpful. The proposal in 14-138 covers similar but more narrowly focused ground. Paper 14-138 advocates to remove C1302, and moves the requirement for a to be a coarray from the declaration of the to its use in a LOCK or UNLOCK statement. The objectives of 14-138 would be achieved by this proposal, in a different way. They need not both be pursued. Some of my comments on the ballot for N2007/14-130 concerning EVENT_TYPE would also be addressed by this proposal. 2. Proposal =========== Allow the POINTER attribute and to coexist. The pointer itself is not accessible from other images. When a coarray pointer is coindexed, it is the target that is coindexed. If a pointer in a pointer assignment statement is a coarray, the target shall be a coarray. C724 prohibits a in a pointer assignment statement from being coindexed. Don't change it. It is not necessary to tackle cobounds or corank remapping at this time. Prohibit to allocate or deallocate coarray pointers. Allow pointers of LOCK_TYPE in pointer-association contexts. 3. Draft edits to 14-007, to estimate the scope of the project ============================================================== [39:13+ 2.4.7p4+] Insert a paragraph (or append to p4): "When a coindexed pointer is referenced, it is the coindexed target that is referenced. The pointer on the image specified by the cosubscripts is not accessed." {In light of 6.2p2 at [119:1-2] and C720a below, it's not necessary here to say it shall be associated with a coarray target.} {Maybe this belongs at [122:2+ 6.4.3p1+]} [88:18+ C509+] Insert a constraint: "C509a (R503) If appears and the object has the POINTER attribute, shall be ." [93:25 C526] After "ALLOCATABLE" insert ", POINTER, ". [102:6 C548] Delete ", and shall not be a coarray". [128:23+ C629+] Insert a constraint: "C629a (R632) An shall not be a coarray pointer." [160:14+ C720+] Insert a constraint: "C720a (R733) If is a coarray, shall be a coarray having the same corank as , and shall not be a subobject of a coarray." {Maybe the prohibition against subobject is unnecessary.} [162:11+] Insert a paragraph: "If the pointer object is a coarray, and the target is not a disassociated pointer, the cobounds of the pointer are assumed from those of the target." [404:2 C1303, 404:5 C1304] After in both constraints, insert ", as a or in a , as a in a NULLIFY statement, as an actual argument in a reference to a procedure with explicit interface if the corresponding dummy argument has the POINTER attribute". {These would be simpler if 14-139 were pursued; the proposal in that paper more precisely separates variable definition context and pointer association context.}