J3/14-206 To: J3 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Editorial fix (not an interp) Date: 2014 June 25 1. Introduction This paper contains an editorial fix for a minor glitch in the wording. In "Events that cause variables to become defined", we have (23) Invocation of a procedure that contains an unsaved nonpointer nonallocatable local variable causes all nonpointer default-initialized subcomponents of the object to become defined. and (25) Invocation of a nonpointer function of a derived type causes all nonpointer default-initialized subcomponents of the function result to become defined. Since a function result that is not a procedure pointer is a local variable, item (23) already covers what item (25) says, but they are different. Item (25) omits the case of ALLOCATABLE, i.e. TYPE T REAL :: C = 1.5 END TYPE ... FUNCTION F() TYPE(T),ALLOCATABLE :: F ! Item (23) says nothing, but ! Item (25) says that F%C is defined with the value 1.5. This is obviously contradictory nonsense, since text elsewhere says F is unallocated and therefore F%C is undefined. So item (25) is both correct and not redundant, unfortunately where it is correct it is redundant and where it is not redundant it is not correct. 2. Edits to 14-007r1 [475:19-20] 16.6.5 Events that cause variables to become defined, p1, Delete item (25) "Invocation of a nonpointer .. defined.". ===END===