J3/15-143 To: J3 From: Bill Long Subject: Clause 7.5 edits to N2040 Date: 2015 February 24 Discussion ---------- In 7.5 Modified intrinsic procedures, we say that the descriptions of the procedures are changed. Better to say the procedures themselves are modified (which is also parallel to the subclause title). Edit to N2040: --------------- [31:3-4] Delete "descriptions of the" and replace "changed" by "modified". {7.5.1 ATOMIC_DEFINE and ATOMIC_REF} [31:8] Delete "descriptions of the" and replace "changed" by "modified". {7.5.2 IMAGE_INDEX} [31:17-18] Delete "descriptions of the" and replace "changed" by "modified". {7.5.3 MOVE_ALLOC} [32:9] Delete "descriptions of the" and replace "changed" by "modified". {7.5.4 NUM_IMAGES} [32:18-19] Delete "descriptions of the" and replace "changed" by "modified". {7.5.2 THIS_IMAGE}