J3/15-156 To: J3 From: Bill Long Subject: Clause 8.2 edits to N2040 Date: 2015 February 26 Discussion ---------- Subclause 8.2 of N2040 is in a different format from the Introduction of 15-007. Even though the base for the TS is F2008, it is more convenient to have the text for 8.2 in the format consistent with F2015. Edits to N2040 -------------- [33:12] Change "After paragraph 3 of the" to "In the" [33:14] Replace line by: "$\bullet$ Features previously described in ISO/IEC TS 18508:2015:" [33:15-23] Change each bullet item, as modified in edits below, into a sentence without a bullet, and reformat the resulting sentences together in one paragraph. And add these sentences: "Optional STAT= and ERRMSG= specifiers are added to the CRITICAL statement. Optional arguments are added to the intrinsic procedures ATOMIC_DEFINE, ATOMIC_REF, IMAGE_INDEX, MOVE_ALLOC, NUM_IMAGES, and THIS_IMAGE. Extensions of image selector syntax permit designation of coarrays across team boundaries and optional STAT= specifiers. The STOPPED_IMAGES intrinsic procedure provides the indices of stopped images." [33:15] Change "teams" to "The teams facility uses the CHANGE TEAM construct, TEAM_TYPE derived type, FORM TEAM and SYNC TEAM statements, and the GET_TEAM and TEAM_ID intrinsic procedures, to" [33:17] Change "collective subroutines perform" to "The collective subroutines CO_BROADCAST, CO_MAX, CO_MIN, CO_REDUCE, and CO_SUM perform". [33:19] Change the beginning of the replacement text from 15-128r2 "additional atomic subroutines for" to "Additional atomic subroutines ATOMIC_ADD, ATOMIC_AND, ATOMIC_CAS, ATOMIC_FETCH_ADD, ATOMIC_FETCH_AND, ATOMIC_FETCH_OR, ATOMIC_FETCH_XOR, ATOMIC_OR, and ATOMIC_XOR perform". [33:21] Change "events" to "The event facility uses the EVENT POST and EVENT WAIT statements, the EVENT_TYPE derived type, and the EVENT_QUERY intrinsic procedure to". [33:22] Replace the line by "The FAIL TEAM statement, the FAILED_IMAGES and IMAGE_STATUS intrinsic procedures, and the defined constant STAT_FAILED_IMAGE provide support for continued execution after one or more images have failed."