J3/16-108 To: J3 Members From: Bill Long Subject: automatic data objects Date: 2016 January 14 References: 16-007 Discussion: ---------- At [4:11-12] 1.3.12 has two separate defined terms "automatic data object" and "automatic object" that mean the same thing. At various places in the standard we use one or the other, in one case both within a few lines of each other. It would seem clearer to settle on just one. The recent trends seem to favor automatic data object. Exits are provided to change "automatic object" to "automatic data object", and eliminate the term "automatic object". Edits to 16-007: ----- [4:12] In 1.3 Terms and definitions, 1.3.12 automatic data object, delete the term "automatic object". [90:13] In 5.2 Type declaration statement, paragraph 2, constraint 4 (C507), change "automatic object" to "automatic data object". [91:4] In 5.3 Automatic data objects, paragraph 1, the only constraint (C513), change "automatic object" to "automatic data object". [108:32] In 5.6.7 DATA statement, paragraph 4, constraint 3 (C575), change "automatic object" to "automatic data object". [116:36] In EQUIVALENCE statement/General, paragraph 2, constraint 1 (C597), change "automatic object" to "automatic data object". [118:20] In COMMON statement/General, paragraph 2, constraint 3 (C5110), change "automatic object" to "automatic data object". [503:12] In 16.6.5 Events that cause variables to become defined, paragraph 1, item (21), change "automatic object" to "automatic data object".