To: J3 Members J3/16-141 From: Van Snyder Subject: Questions without answers or edits concerning Clause 14 Reference: 16-007 Date: 2016 January 25 General: For the arithmetic functions with two arguments, e.g., IEEE_REM, are arguments with different radices supported? It should either be stated explicitly, or denied explicitly. [423:12 14.3p1] In the IEEE_INVALID list item, we see that IEEE_INVALID occurs when X is real and has a nonzero negative value. Does it signal for IEEE_SQRT(-0.0)? [427:0+2] Does the value of a named constant depend upon the rounding mode? [431:1 14.10p4] Is the assertion of the paragraph correct, or are the elemental functions only provided for all real X and Y of kinds for which IEEE_SUPPORT_DATATYPE ( X ) or IEEE_SUPPORT_DATATYPE ( Y ) has the value true? [437:37-38 14.11.18p6] Should the results be ABS(Y) and ABS(X)? [438:34-35 14.11.20p6] Should the results be ABS(X) and ABS(Y)? [439:14 14.11.21p6] Does "in the direction of Y" mean "in the direction of the sign of Y" or "in the direction from X to Y?" E.g., is IEEE_NEXT_AFTER ( 1.0, 0.5 ) == 1.0 + EPSILON(1.0) or 1.0 - EPSILON(1.0)? [439:30 14.11.12p6] The result value paragraph says that only IEEE_INVALID can signal from IEEE_NEXT_DOWN. Does IEEE_INEXACT signal if the result is subnormal? Can IEEE_UNDERFLOW signal? [440:7 14.11.13p6] The result value paragraph says that only IEEE_INVALID can signal from IEEE_NEXT_UP. Does IEEE_INEXACT signal if the result is subnormal, e.g., from IEEE_NEXT_UP ( 0.0 )? Can IEEE_OVERFLOW signal, e.g., from IEEE_NEXT_UP ( HUGE(0.0) )? [443:18-22 14.11.32] Does IEEE_RINT signal with the same signals and under the same conditions as IEEE_INT? [443:29 14.11.33p3] Is decimal radix X allowed?