J3/16-283 To: J3 From: Daniel Chen Subject: Answers to Questions without edits in 16-262r1 Date: 2016 October 11 Discussion: This paper is to answer the questions raised in paper 16-262r1 ===================================================================== 1. [185-186 11.1.5] If a CHANGE TEAM construct is executed while a construct is executing, and that construct has a that is a coindexed object, does the CHANGE TEAM construct affect the image index of the association? I think not, because it doesn't affect the image index of an actual argument (or at least I hope it doesn't). A note might be helpful to stave off a future interp request. Something like "Execution of a CHANGE TEAM statement does not affect associations of coindexed actual arguments to dummy arguments of procedures that have not completed execution when the CHANGE TEAM statement is executed, or associations established by constructs that have not completed execution when the CHANGE TEAM statement is executed." Or this could be said in Something like "If the is a coindexed object, the image to which it refers is not affected by executing a CHANGE TEAM statement while the construct is executing," and something like that somewhere in Answers: The question is not valid because a or a dummy argument is not a coindexed object. cannot be a coindexed object as per "C1103 (R1105) variable shall not be a coindexed object." 2. [207 NOTE 11.34] Should variables that are referenced or defined by calls to atomic subroutines have the VOLATILE attribute? Otherwise, how does the processor know that some other image does not have its value in a cache? It probably isn't enough to specify explicitly that it has the attribute implicitly because an ordinary reference to it might appear in a different scoping unit from its use in a reference to an atomic subroutine. Of should every reference to an atomic subroutine be preceded and followed by SYNC MEMORY (which seems like a rather large hammer)? If they need to have the VOLATILE attribute, its description should be changed to encompass more than "means other than Fortran." Answers: VOLATILE is defined as [112:24] "The VOLATILE attribute specifies that an object may be referenced, defined, or become undefined, by means not specified by the program." The suggested change breaks the definition of VOLATILE, which is not desired. 3. [210:17 R1169] Why doesn't SYNC TEAM allow an integer to specify the team, as is allowed in an ? Answer: SYNC TEAM is allowed to sync an ancestor team that is specified by the team varialbe. A team number is only unique among teams that are created by the same FORM TEAM statement. Therefore, team number cannot be used in SYNC TEAM as it is ambiguous. 4. [213 11.6.10] What happens if an image that other images consider to have failed actually hasn't, doesn't realize they believe it's failed, and locks a lock variable? Answer: The definition of failed image is: [14:41]"image that has not initiated termination but which has ceased to participate in program execution." Therefore, it cannot lock a lock variable. 5. [214-215 11.6.11] Are failed or stopped images error conditions, or simply information made available using the ? This affects whether an image control statement without a STAT= specifier causes error termination if another image has failed, and the wording of "if an error other than a stopped image or failed image...." Answers: Failed images or stopped images are error conditions but they will cause error termination only if the STAT= specifier is omitted.