To: J3 J3/16-293 From: Stan Whitlock Subject: Minutes of meeting #211 Date: 2016 Dec 14 Minutes of INCITS/PL22.3 Committee Meeting #211 formerly known as INCITS/J3 in Las Vegas, NV, USA October 10 - 14, 2016 submitted by Stan Whitlock, PL22.3 Secretary Notes: ------ 0. PL22.3 Membership at the end of the meeting - 10 members m210 status name organization ----------------------------------------------------- present Daniel Chen IBM present Tom Clune NASA GSFC present Robert Corbett Oracle America represented Mark LeAir Nvidia Corporation by >>>>>>>>>>>Bob Scollard Nvidia Corporation present Bill Long Cray Inc. absent Karla Morris Sandia National Laboratories present Dan Nagle National Center for Atmospheric Research represented Craig Rasmussen U of Oregon by >>>>>>>>>>>Malcolm Cohen NAG present Van Snyder Jet Propulsion Laboratory present Stan Whitlock Intel Corporation 1. J3 has been renamed from INCITS/J3 to INCITS/PL22.3. In these minutes, that committee will be referred to as J3. 2. These J3 minutes were refined from notes graciously provided to the secretary by Bill Long, Dan Nagle, Lorri Menard, and Steve Lionel. Any errors or omissions in these minutes are the secretary's responsibility alone. 3. J3 papers are referenced herein as 16-nnn. They are available from WG5 papers are referenced herein as Nnnnn. They are available from the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/WG 5 Committee Homepage 4. Notation: 16-nnn "title" [author&author2] identifies J3 paper 16-nnn (name1/name2) - moved by name1, seconded by name2 uc - motion passed with unanimous consent, ie, no objection {post rn} - paper revision n will be in the post meeting distribution SV - straw vote, sometimes with choices Y-N-U, ie, Yes - No - Undecided ** motion - motion passed -- motion - motion failed or was withdrawn 5. There was no USTAG meeting at this meeting: no minutes are in Appendix G below. End notes --------- 0. List of papers passed at meeting #211 ---------------------------------------- This is a list of the paper numbers that passed at meeting #211, including interpretations. The reference is to the latest revision on the J3 server after the meeting, not to the actual revision that was voted upon. The motions below reference the actual revision voted upon. 16-240r1 16-253r2 16-262r3 16-276r2 16-286r2 16-241r2 16-254r1 16-264r4 16-277r1 16-287r1 16-242r1 16-255r1 16-266r3 16-279r2 16-288r1 16-244 16-256r1 16-267r1 16-280r2 16-289 16-246r1 16-257r1 16-268 16-281r2 16-290 16-249r1 16-258 16-270r1 16-282r2 16-291 16-250r1 16-260r1 16-271r1 16-284 16-251r1 16-261r1 16-273 16-285r2 The last interpretation at the previous meeting was F08/0149. There were no new interpretation created at this meeting. The highest numbered existing interpretation is now F08/0149. There were no interpretations passed by this meeting. 16-285r2 edits 16-007r2 for interp F08/0013 from corrigendum 1 of F2008. 1. Monday, Oct 10, 2016 8:00 AM -------------------------------- 1.1 Opening business 1.1.1 Remarks from the chair - Dan Nagle Dan Nagle welcomed everyone to meeting 211. Our major work is completing integration of topics in the current draft F2015. 1.1.2 Adoption of the agenda - Dan Nagle ** motion: Adopt the agenda - there will be no USTAG meeting - as amended (moved by Whitlock/seconded by Snyder): passed with unanimous consent {uc} 1.1.3 Approval of Meeting 210 minutes - Dan Nagle ** motion: move paper 16-239 as minutes of meeting 210 (Snyder/Long): uc 1.1.4 INCITS report - Dan Nagle Dan is scheduled for officer training. As always, Dan drew everyone's attention to: the INCITS Anti-Trust Guidelines and INCITS Patent Policy is intended as a reminder and available on the INCITS website at Download Latest Revision: latest/eb-2014-00001-INCITS-Anti-trust-and-patent-policy-guidelines- reminder.pdf Public Download Link: document_id=48108&wg_abbrev=eb 1.1.5 WG23 (Vulnerabilities) report - Dan Nagle The draft Fortran Annex needed to be updated to accommodate newly defined vulnerabilities. This work was proceeding but with low priority. 1.1.6 ISO/WG5 report - Steve Lionel There will be no US TAG meeting on Thursday. 1.1.7 J11 (PL22.11 C/C++) Liaison report - Dan Nagle A draft of Cplex == "Programming language C - Extensions for parallel programming" is available. 1.1.8 MPI Liaison report - Bill Long MPI resilience feature == "User Level Failure Management" == ULFM is on track - basically the same as Fortran: detect if a rank failed, and identify which ranks failed. May vote at the next MPI meeting. Allesandro working with ULFM of MPI to interface with OpenCoarrays. MPI will support what Fortran does. 1.1.9 OpenMP Liaison report - Bill Long The OpenMP committee has continued its preparation for the upcoming technical report release due this November. The report will be a working draft snapshot of the OpenMP 5.0 spec for wider user/community feedback. The current plan is for OpenMP 5.0 to be released in November of next year. Some major things in the works: * OMPT (tool interface) to be integrated into OpenMP spec * new memory and allocator traits for allocating in specialized memory (both APIs and directives) * clarify mapping semantics to target devices, including for Fortran pointers/allocatables * task/data affinity support There is a F2F meeting next week (in Japan) where the language committee will be going over various issues in preparation for the TR release. 1.1.10 UPC Liaison report - Damian Rouson None 1.1.11 OpenACC Liaison report - Bob Scollard for Mark LeAir Discussions for a minor update to the current OpenACC 2.5 standard are underway by the OpenACC Committee. Some of the possible updates include: * Better support for C structs, C++ classes, and Fortran derived types with allocatable/pointer components. * Query routines that allow the application to detect available devices and properties of the devices. * A method for error handling so an application can gracefully exit if there is a fatal error in device code. * Better Fortran bindings on all of the runtime API routines. * A serial offload construct (a sequential version of the parallel offload construct). * Support for systems where some memory is shared and some is not. One feature that will not make it into the minor update is deep copy. Deep copy continues to be a complex issue, so there is no planned support for it in the next revision. On some devices, deep copy requires moving whole data structures or portions of data structures to device memory and then moving the modified data back. Some future devices will have better hardware and OS support for automatically migrating data between memories, so deep copy may be less important in the coming years. In the near term, the Committee hopes to have some prototype implementations for experimentation and for driving future work. More information is available at 1.1.115 WG9 Ada Report - Van Snyder Van sent a few corrections to WG9 for their "Fortran Interoperability Clause", eg, don't use INTEGER*4. 1.1.12 Treasurer's report - Van Snyder Opening bank balance at meeting 211: $1816.87 This is the same as the closing balance from meeting 109 - there were no expenses between meetings. There is a $50 meeting fee at meeting 211. The regular $50 meeting fee will continue at meeting 212. 1.1.13 Beginning membership report - Stan Whitlock Paper 16-001 in the m210 pre-meeting distribution is the current membership roster. If it needs corrections, please let Stan know. Total Membership at beginning of Meeting 211 : 10 Majority [1 over half] : 6 Quorum [1/3 of voting members, min 4 present] : 4 Members Alternates D. Chen K. Li, R. Zurob T. Clune H. Jin R. Corbett M. LeAir R. Scollard B. Long C. R. Schult K. Morris A. Donev, T. Moene, D. Rouson D. Nagle J. Reid, J. Wallin C. Rasmussen M. Cohen V. Snyder S. Whitlock S. Lionel, L. Menard * No one is in jeopardy of losing membership because of poor meeting attendance. * No one is in jeopardy of losing membership because of Letter Ballot non-participation. * There was no sign up sheet for J3 attendees. Attendance at the beginning of meeting 211 ------------------------------------------ J3 members present: Daniel Chen Tom Clune Robert Corbett Bill Long Dan Nagle Van Snyder Stan Whitlock J3 Alternates present and voting: Bob Scollard - voting alternate to Mark LeAir Malcolm Cohen - voting alternate to Craig Rasmussen * during the meeting, a non-voting alternate may act for the principal or voting alternate member to move, second, or vote on motions if the principal or voting alternate member is out of the room J3 Alternates present but not voting: Steve Lionel - non-voting alternate to Stan Whitlock Lorri Menard - non-voting alternate to Stan Whitlock Jon Steidel - non-voting alternate to Stan Whitlock J3 members absent, not represented: Karla Morris Visitors - present, non-voting: Tom Knox - Kernelyze LLC, Newton, MA 1.1.14 Local arrangements - Bob Corbett No comments were recorded 1.1.15 Comments from members No comments were recorded 1.2 Tutorials (if needed) None 1.3 Subgroup organization - Dan Nagle Subgroups and paper assignments: /JOR - Stan Whitlock (head), Tom Knox, Steve Lionel, Dan Nagle 16-240r1, 254, 256, 262, 264, 265, 266, 269, 275, 276, 284 /DATA - Malcolm Cohen (head), Tom Clune, Bob Corbett, Robert Scollard, Van Snyder 16-241, 250, 251, 255, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 267, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 278, 279 /HPC - Bill Long (head), Daniel Chen, Lorri Menard, Jon Steidel 16-242, 244, 246, 253, 263, 277, 280, 281, 282 /INTERP - Stan Whitlock (head), Malcolm Cohen None 16-006r1: Outstanding Fortran Interpretations, September 12, 2016 + m209: F2008 Corrigendum 4 N2103 completed - 44 interps in N2098 + m209: 2 of 2 interps passed by J3 meeting + m210: no interp activity = 0 passed WG5, 0 passed J3 LB, 2 passed J3 meeting, 16 in progress /EDIT - Malcolm Cohen (head) 16-249, 252, 268 /Librarian - Dan 16-248 - out of order (removes functionality) /J3 - all 16-006r1, 007r2, 011r2, 239, 243, 245, 247 Recessed at 08:42am 1.4 Subgroup meetings 1.5 Subgroup reports (4:30pm) /DATA No further action on 16-259 "Comments on Clause 8" [Snyder]. /HPC No further action on 16-263 "Trivial syntactic sugar (feature creep) in CHANGE TEAM" [Snyder]. /J3 The list of papers for voting, discussion, or action later in the week was discussed. The meeting recessed at 4:34pm 2. Tuesday, Oct 11, 2016 8:00 AM ---------------------------------- 2.1 F2015 Plenary /JOR ** motion: 16-240r1 "date_and_time humor" [Nagle] (Whitlock/ Knox): uc -- motion: 16-254 " syntax rule"[Snyder] (Whitlock/ Snyder) as amended: withdrawn ** motion: 16-256r1 "Comments on Clause 6" [Snyder&Whitlock] (Whitlock/Snyder): uc -- motion: 16-262r1 "Comments on Clause 11" [Snyder&Nagle] (Whitlock/ Snyder) as amended: withdrawn /DATA ** motion: 16-241r1 "Missing constraint on VALUE" [Long&Cohen] (Cohen/ Long) as amended: uc {post r2} ** motion: 16-251r1 "Comments on implicit interface" [Snyder&Corbett] (Cohen/Corbett): uc ** motion: 16-255r1 "Discussion of dimensions in Subclause 5.4.6" [Synder] (Cohen/Lionel): uc ** motion: 16-257r1 "Comments on Clause 7" [Snyder&Cohen] (Cohen/ Snyder): uc ** motion: 16-258 "Comments on Annex A" [Snyder] (Cohen/Snyder): uc ** motion: 16-260r1 "Comments on Clause 9" [Snyder&Cohen] (Cohen/ Snyder): uc /HPC ** motion: 16-242 "CHANGE/END TEAM syncs" [Long] (Long/Steidel) as amended: uc {post r1} ** motion: 16-244 "UTI 27" [Reid&long] (Long/Chen):uc ** motion: 16-277 "(C838) + C_SIZEOF" [Long] (Long/Clune) as amended: uc {post r1} ** motion: 16-282r1 "UTI 31" [Reid&Long] (Long/Chen) as amended: uc {post r2} /EDIT ** motion: 16-250r1 "Comments on Clause 3" [Snyder&Cohen] (Cohen/ Snyder): uc Recessed at 9:22am 2.2 Tutorials None 2.3 Subgroup meetings 2.4 Subgroup reports (4:30pm) /DATA No further action will be taken on 16-272 "Comments on Constraints C1545-C1549" [Snyder]. /J3 The list of papers for voting, discussion, or action later in the week was discussed. Recessed at 4:37pm 3. Wednesday, Oct 12, 2016 8:00 AM ----------------------------------- 3.1 F2015 Plenary /JOR ** motion: 16-254r1 " syntax rule" [Snyder&Whitlock] (Whitlock/Snyder): uc ** motion: 16-262r2 "Comments on Clause 11" [Snyder&Nagle] (Whitlock/ Snyder) as amended: uc {post r3} -- motion: 16-264r1 "Comments on Clause 12" [Snyder&Lionel] (Whitlock/ Snyder): withdrawn Paper 16-266r1 "Comments on Clause 13" [Snyder&Lionel] was discussed - an r2 will be moved at a later time /DATA ** motion: 16-261r1 "Comments on Clause 10" [Snyder&Cohen] (Cohen/Snyder): uc ** motion: 16-267r1 "Comments on Clause 14" [Snyder&Cohen] (Cohen/Snyder): uc ** motion: 16-271r1 "Comments on Clause 15" [Snyder&Cohen] (Cohen/Snyder): uc /HPC ** motion: 16-246 "Coarray edits" [Reid&Long] (Long/Chen) as amended: uc {post r1} ** motion: 16-253r1 "Comments on Clause 5" [Snyder&Menard] (Long/Lionel) as amended: uc {post r2} Paper 16-283 "Answers to Questions without edits in 16-262r1" [Chen] was discussed - no further action /JOR Paper 16-276 "IEEE comparisons" [Corbett] discussion: * meeting agreed with the direction of the paper * general agreement to pursue this approach with all 22 operations * an r1 will be moved at a later time /DATA Straw Vote on paper 16-270 "IMPORT statement description is misplaced" [Snyder] SV: where to describe IMPORT: as-is in clause 15 - in clause 8 - undecided: 0-9-4 /EDIT Straw Vote: SV: should intrinsic names be consistently hyperlinked in the 007? Yes - No - ad hoc - Undecided: 13-0-0-0 SV: should specialized terms in example comments be hyperlinked? Y in editor's judgment - N - U: 5-6-2 /INTERP There will be no Corrigendum 5 for F2008. New interps in 006 will be processed by J3 and WG5 as usual and then a J3 paper will request edits to F2015. /EDIT Recessed at 10:42am 3.2 Tutorials - none 3.3 Subgroup meetings 3.4 Subgroup reports (4:30pm) /DATA No further action will be taken on: * 16-274 "Comments on 15.5.4" [Snyder] * 16-278 "Comment on scope of argument keywords" [Snyder] /EDIT No further action will be taken on 16-252 "Comments on Clause 4" [Snyder] /J3 Please give any membership changes that need to be made in 16-001 to Stan. The list of papers for voting, discussion, or action later in the week was discussed. Recessed at 4:47pm 4. Thursday, Oct 13, 2016 8:00 AM ---------------------------------- 4.1 F2015 Plenary /JOR ** motion: 16-264r3 "Comments on Clause 12" [Snyder&Lionel] (Whitlock/ Snyder) as amended: uc {post r4} ** motion: 16-266r2 "Comments on Clause 13" [Snyder&Lionel] (Whitlock/ Snyder) as amended: uc {post r3} ** motion: 16-284 "Scale Factors and EX Editing" [Lionel] (Whitlock/ Cohen): uc ** motion: 16-276r1 "IEEE comparisons" [Corbett] (Whitlock/Corbett) as amended: uc {post r2} /DATA ** motion: 16-270r1 "IMPORT statement description is misplaced" [Snyder] (Cohen/Snyder): uc ** motion: 16-273 "Comments on 15.5.2" [Snyder] (Cohen/Snyder): uc ** motion: 16-279r1 "Comments on Clause 19" [Snyder] (Cohen/Clune) as amended: uc {post r2} -- motion: 16-285r1 "Amendment to Interp F08/0013" [Snyder] (Cohen/ Snyder) as amended: withdrawn ** motion: 16-286r1 'Edits for Subclause 17.2 "Derived types ..."' [Corbett] (Cohen/Whitlock) as amended: uc {post r2} ** motion: 16-287 "Incomplete discussion of undefinition of protected variable" [Snyder] (Cohen/Snyder) as amended: uc {post r1} ** motion: 16-289 "Pure statement functions are too volatile" [Cohen] (Cohen/Clune) as amended: uc {post r1} ** motion: 16-290 "Normative text in Clause 15 notes" [Snyder&Clune] (Cohen/Clune): uc /HPC -- motion: 16-280r1 "coarray dummy arguments and aliasing rules" [Bader&Long] (Long/Steidel): withdrawn /EDIT ** motion: 16-249r1 "Comments on the Introduction" [Snyder&Cohen] (Cohen/Snyder): uc ** motion: 16-268 "Comments arising from Editor's report" [Snyder] (Cohen/Snyder): uc ** motion: 16-288 "Miscellaneous fixes and enhancements" [Cohen] as amended (Cohen/Menard) as further amended: uc {post r1} Recessed at 10:17am 4.2 Tutorials - none 4.3 Subgroup meetings 4.4 Subgroup reports (4:00 pm) /JOR ** motion: 16-291 "remove duplication in Appendix C [from 16-218r2]" [Whitlock] (Whitlock/Cohen): uc /DATA ** motion: 16-285r2 "Amendment to Interp F08/0013" [Snyder&Cohen] (Cohen/Lionel): uc /HPC ** motion: 16-280r2 "coarray dummy arguments and aliasing rules" [Bader&Long] (Long/Steidel): uc 5.0 Friday business on Thursday 5.2 Closing business 5.3 Review of action items 1) Stan Whitlock will send the J3 minutes 16-293 to Lynn Barra ( and Deborah Spittle . 2) Malcolm Cohen is planning to have a new 17-007 by end-Dec, 2016. 3) Dan and Van will negotiate hotel contracts for 2017. 5.4 Future meetings 212 February 13-17, 2017, at the Fairfield Inn Airport hotel in Las Vegas, NV hosted by Mark LeAir/Bob Scollard 213 June 26-30, 2017, WG5 joint meeting at LRZ in Garching, a city in Bavaria, Germany, near Munich hosted by Reinhold Bader (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre) 214 October 16-20, 2017, at the Fairfield Inn Airport hotel in Las Vegas, NV hosted by Bill Long June, 2018, joint with WG5 in California, USA hosted by Damian Rouson See appendix C "Future Meetings and Hosts". 5.5 Treasurer's report 16-292 "Meeting 211 Treasurer's Report" [Snyder] 10 Oct 2016 Opening balance $1816.87 10 Oct 2016 Meeting fees 600.00 15 Oct 2016 Fairfield Inn -245.17 ------- 15 Oct 2016 Closing balance $2171.70 There was a $50 meeting fee at this meeting, 211. The regular $50 meeting fee will continue at meeting 212. 5.6 Closing membership report Paper 16-001 of meeting 211 is the latest membership roster. It is posted on the J3 web site in the members area. Total Membership at beginning of Meeting 211 10 Majority [1 over half] 6 Quorum [1/3 of voting members, min 4 present] 4 Total Membership at end of Meeting 211 10 Total Members Attended or Represented at 211 9 Total Attendees at Meeting 211 13 Membership changes since last meeting: Tom Knox of Kernelyze LLC attended meeting 211 and expressed interest in joining the committee. No one is in jeopardy of losing membership because of attendance at the end of this meeting. No one is in jeopardy of losing membership because of Letter ballot non-participation. This is the last meeting for Stan Whitlock who is retiring from Intel. Lorri Menard will be principal representative from Intel and Jon Steidel will be an alternate. This is the last meeting for Steve Lionel who is retiring from Intel. Steve plans to remain in touch with the committee. 5.7 Comments from members The group expressed its thanks to the host, Dan Nagle. No other comments were recorded. Adjournment J3 meeting #211: Adjourned at 4:29pm on Thursday, October 13, 2016 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix A: Final Agenda for J3 Meeting 211 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Monday, October 10, 2016 8:00 am ------------------------------------- 1.1 Opening business D. Nagle Remarks from the chair D. Nagle 1.1.2 Adoption of agenda D. Nagle Approval of Meeting 210 minutes D. Nagle 1.1.4 NCITS/OMC report (if any) D. Nagle WG23 report (if any) D. Nagle 1.1.6 ISO/WG5 report S. Lionel, IR J11 Liaison report (if any) D. Nagle 1.1.8 MPI Liaison report (if any) B. Long OpenMP Liaison report (if any) B. Long 1.1.10 UPC Liaison report (if any) D. Rouson OpenACC Liaison report (if any) M. LeAir 1.1.12 Treasurer's report V. Snyder Beginning membership report S. Whitlock 1.1.14 Local arrangements D. Nagle Comments from members 1.2 Tutorials (if needed) 1.3 Subgroup organization D. Nagle 1.4 Subgroup meetings 1.5 Subgroup reports (4:30 pm) 2. Tuesday, October 11, 2016 8:00 am -------------------------------------- 2.1 F2015 Plenary (13-010) Subgroup Heads 2.2 Tutorials (if needed) 2.3 Subgroup meetings 2.4 Subgroup reports (4:30 pm) 3. Wednesday, October 12, 2016 8:00 am ---------------------------------------- 3.1 F2015 Plenary (13-010) Subgroup Heads 3.2 Tutorials (if needed) 3.3 Subgroup meetings 3.4 Subgroup reports (4:30 pm) 4. Thursday, October 13, 2016 8:00 am --------------------------------------- 4.1 F2015 Plenary (13-010) Subgroup Heads 4.2 Tutorials (if needed) 4.3 Subgroup meetings 4.4 Subgroup reports (4:30 pm) 5. Friday, October 14, 2016 8:00 am -------------------------------------- 5.1 F2015 Plenary (13-010) Subgroup Heads 5.2 Closing business 5.3 Review of action items (if any) 5.4 Future meetings V. Snyder 5.5 Treasurer's report V. Snyder 5.6 Closing membership report S. Whitlock 5.7 Comments from members Adjournment --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix B: J3 REGISTER OF DOCUMENTS FOR 2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAPERS SUBMITTED FOR J3 MEETING 211 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA October 10 - 14, 2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paper Number Date Submitter Title -------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3/16-011r2 160907 Cohen Editor's list of unresolved technical txt J3/16-007r2 160907 Cohen Draft standard txt J3/16-239 160616 Whitlock Meeting 210 Minutes txt J3/16-240 160719 Nagle date_and_time humor txt 16-007r1 J3/16-240r1 160917 Nagle date_and_time humor txt 16-007r2 J3/16-241 160831 Long Missing constraint on VALUE txt 16-007r2 J3/16-241r1 161010 Long & Cohen Missing constraint on VALUE txt J3/16-241r2 161011 Long & Cohen Missing constraint on VALUE txt J3/16-242 160902 Long CHANGE/END TEAM syncs txt J3/16-242r1 161011 Long CHANGE/END TEAM syncs txt J3/16-243 160907 Cohen Editor's report for 16-007r2 txt J3/16-244 160921 Reid & Long UTI 27 txt J3/16-245 160924 Spittle DoE Jeopardy Letter txt J3/16-246 160927 Reid & Long Coarray edits txt J3/16-246r1 161012 Reid & Long Coarray edits txt J3/16-247 160928 Lionel Informational Summary of Fortran 2015 txt J3/16-247 160928 Lionel Informational Summary of Fortran 2015 pdf J3/16-247 160928 Lionel Informational Summary of Fortran 2015 docx J3/16-248 160928 Snyder Locality specs in DO CONCURRENT txt J3/16-249 160928 Snyder Comments on the Introduction txt J3/16-249r1 161012 Snyder & Cohe Comments on the Introduction txt J3/16-250 160928 Snyder Comments on Clause 3 txt J3/16-250r1 161010 Snyder & Cohe Comments on Clause 3 txt J3/16-251 160928 Snyder Comments on implicit interface txt J3/16-251r1 161010 Snyder & Corb Comments on implicit interface txt J3/16-252 160928 Snyder Comments on Clause 4 txt J3/16-253 160928 Snyder Comments on Clause 5 txt J3/16-253r1 161011 Snyder & Mena Comments on Clause 5 txt J3/16-253r2 161012 Snyder & Mena Comments on Clause 5 txt J3/16-254 160928 Snyder syntax rule txt J3/16-254r1 161011 Snyder & Whit syntax rule txt J3/16-255 160928 Snyder Discussion of dimensions in Subclause txt J3/16-255r1 161010 Snyder Discussion of dimensions in Subclause txt J3/16-256 160928 Snyder Comments on Clause 6 txt J3/16-256r1 161010 Snyder & Whit Comments on Clause 6 txt J3/16-257 160928 Snyder Comments on Clause 7 txt J3/16-257r1 161010 Snyder & Cohe Comments on Clause 7 txt J3/16-258 160928 Snyder Comments on Annex A txt J3/16-259 160928 Snyder Comments on Clause 8 txt J3/16-260 160928 Snyder Comments on Clause 9 txt J3/16-260r1 161010 Snyder & Cohe Comments on Clause 9 txt J3/16-261 160928 Snyder Comments on Clause 10 txt J3/16-261r1 161011 Snyder & Cohe Comments on Clause 10 txt J3/16-262 160928 Snyder Comments on Clause 11 txt J3/16-262r1 161010 Snyder & Nagl Comments on Clause 11 txt J3/16-262r2 161011 Snyder & Nagl Comments on Clause 11 txt J3/16-262r3 161012 Snyder & Nagl Comments on Clause 11 txt J3/16-263 160928 Snyder Trivial syntactic sugar (feature creep txt J3/16-264 160928 Snyder Comments on Clause 12 txt J3/16-264r1 161011 Snyder & Lion Comments on Clause 12 txt J3/16-264r2 161012 Snyder & Lion Comments on Clause 12 txt J3/16-264r3 161012 Snyder & Lion Comments on Clause 12 txt J3/16-264r4 161013 Snyder & Lion Comments on Clause 12 txt J3/16-265 160928 Snyder WAIT for nonexistent unit txt J3/16-266 160928 Snyder Comments on Clause 13 txt J3/16-266r1 161011 Snyder & Lion Comments on Clause 13 txt J3/16-266r2 161012 Snyder & Lion Comments on Clause 13 txt J3/16-266r3 161013 Snyder & Lion Comments on Clause 13 txt J3/16-267 160928 Snyder Comments on Clause 14 txt J3/16-267r1 161011 Snyder & Cohe Comments on Clause 14 txt J3/16-268 160930 Snyder Comments arising from Editor's report txt J3/16-269 160930 Snyder Comments on restrictions on FORALL txt J3/16-270 160930 Snyder IMPORT statement description is mispla txt J3/16-270r1 161012 Snyder IMPORT statement description is mispla txt J3/16-271 160930 Snyder Comments on Clause 15 txt J3/16-271r1 161011 Snyder & Cohe Comments on Clause 15 txt J3/16-272 160930 Snyder Comments on Constraints C1545-C1549 txt J3/16-273 160930 Snyder Comments on 15.5.2 txt J3/16-274 160930 Snyder Comments on 15.5.4 txt J3/16-275 160930 Snyder Comments on NON_RECURSIVE txt J3/16-276 160930 Corbett IEEE comparisons txt J3/16-276r1 161012 Corbett IEEE comparisons txt J3/16-276r2 161013 Corbett IEEE comparisons txt J3/16-277 161001 Long (C838) + C_SIZEOF txt J3/16-277r1 161011 Long txt J3/16-278 161004 Snyder Comment on scope of argument keywords txt J3/16-279 161004 Snyder Comments on Clause 19 txt J3/16-279r1 161012 Snyder Comments on Clause 19 txt J3/16-279r2 161013 Snyder Comments on Clause 19 txt J3/16-280 161007 Bader coarray dummy arguments and aliasing r txt J3/16-280r1 161012 Bader & Long coarray dummy arguments and aliasing r txt J3/16-280r2 161013 Bader & Long coarray dummy arguments and aliasing r txt J3/16-281 161007 Bader specification of SYNC MEMORY txt J3/16-281r1 161012 Bader & Steid specification of SYNC MEMORY txt J3/16-281r2 161013 Bader & Steid specification of SYNC MEMORY txt J3/16-282 161007 Reid & Long UTI 31 txt J3/16-282r1 161010 Reid & Long UTI 31 txt J3/16-282r2 161011 Reid & Long UTI 31 txt J3/16-283 161011 Chen Answers to Questions without edits in txt J3/16-284 161012 Lionel Scale Factors and EX Editing txt 16-007r2 J3/16-285 161012 Snyder Amendment to Interp F08/0013 txt J3/16-285r1 161012 Snyder Amendment to Interp F08/0013 txt J3/16-285r2 161013 Snyder & Cohe Amendment to Interp F08/0013 txt J3/16-286 161012 Corbett Edits for Subclause 17.2 "Derived type txt J3/16-286r1 161012 Corbett Edits for Subclause 17.2 "Derived type txt J3/16-286r2 161013 Corbett Edits for Subclause 17.2 "Derived type txt J3/16-287 161012 Snyder Incomplete discussion of undefinition txt J3/16-287r1 161013 Snyder Incomplete discussion of undefinition txt J3/16-288 161012 Cohen Miscellaneous fixes and enhancements txt J3/16-288r1 161013 Cohen Miscellaneous fixes and enhancements txt J3/16-289 161012 Cohen Pure statement functions are too volat txt J3/16-290 161012 Snyder & Clun Normative text in Clause 15 notes txt J3/16-291 161013 Whitlock remove duplication in Appendix C [from txt J3/16-292 161013 Snyder Meeting 211 Treasurer's Report txt J3/16-293 161212 Whitlock Minutes of meeting #211 txt --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix C: Future Meetings and Hosts Meeting Conventions: - Three meetings per year starting in 2010 - Attempt to schedule second full week of the month - Attempt to schedule meeting contiguous or simultaneous with WG5 annual meeting Future meeting schedule: 212 February 13-17, 2017, at the Fairfield Inn Airport hotel in Las Vegas, NV hosted by Mark LeAir/Bob Scollard 213 June 26-30, 2017, WG5 joint meeting at LRZ in Garching, a city in Bavaria, Germany, near Munich hosted by Reinhold Bader (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre) 214 October 16-20, 2017, at the Fairfield Inn Airport hotel in Las Vegas, NV hosted by Bill Long June, 2018, joint with WG5 in California, USA hosted by Damian Rouson Committee materials availability: Agenda and meeting notice available at the J3 web site Sent individually to other interested parties that specifically request to be sent the material either via surface mail or electronic mail REQUIREMENT: Distribution 4 weeks prior to meeting (SD-2 4.3.3) Pre- and post-meeting distribution available at the J3 web site Sent individually to other interested parties that specifically request to be sent the material via electronic mail REQUIREMENT: Distribution of pre-meeting 2 weeks prior to meeting (documents for action - two week rule: SD-2 4.3.4:1) Meeting minutes are available at the J3 web site --------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3 World Wide Web site URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix D: Committee Organization D.1 Officers and Management Chair D. Nagle (INCITS appointment) International Rep. S. Lionel (INCITS appointment) Secretary S. Whitlock Treasurer V. Snyder Librarian D. Nagle Editor M. Cohen (WG5 appointment) Maintenance S. Whitlock Vocabulary Rep. none Future Meetings V. Snyder Membership List S. Whitlock IFIP WG2.5 Numerical Software V. Snyder J11 Liaison - C language D. Nagle OWG-V Liaison (WG23) D. Nagle MPI Forum B. Long UPC B. Long OpenMP B. Long D.2 Subgroups JOR: Responsible for the maintenance of the Journal of Development (standing document 004) S. Whitlock (head), D. Nagle DATA: Responsible for language design topics related to data and data structures M. Cohen (head), R. Corbett, V. Snyder INTEROP: Responsible for interoperability with C B. Long (head), D. Chen, T. Clune, M. LeAir, K. Morris HPC: Responsible for topics in High Performance Computing B. Long (head), D. Chen, T. Clune, M. LeAir, K. Morris EDIT: Responsible for adding edits to the draft Fortran Standard (standing document 007) M. Cohen (head) INTERP: Responsible for evaluating interpretation requests and gathering responses to such requests (standing document 006) S. Whitlock (head), M. Cohen ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix E: Membership summary Meeting # 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 Location (state) NV NV NV NV NV Lon NV NV NV CO NV Date (month) 06 10 02 06 10 02 08 10 02 06 10 (year) 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 Name Affiliation Chen, D IBM V V V V V V V V V V V Clune, T NASA . . . . . V V V V V V Cohen, M NAG V V Q P P P P P P R2 . Corbett, R Oracle A V V V V V A V V V V Knox, T Kernelyze LLC . . . . . . . . . . P LeAir, M Nvidia . . . . . V R V R A R Long, W Cray V V V V V V V V V V V Morris, K DoE R A V R A A R R R R A Nagle, D NCAR V V V V V V V V V V V Rasmussen, C U Oregon . . . . . . . . . V1 R Snyder, V JPL/Caltech V A V V V V V V V V V Whitlock, S Intel R R V R V V R V V V V J3 Letter Ballot Participation (Principal Members) Meeting # 196 197 198 199 200 201 204 205 206 207 209 Date (month) 10 06 09 11 04 08 06 10 02 07 12 (year) 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 Name Affiliation I24 I25 I26 I27 I28 I29 I30 I31 I32 I33 I34 Chen, D IBM V V V V V V V V V V V Clune, T NASA . . . . . . . . . V V Cohen, M NAG V V V V V Q . P P P P Corbett, R Oracle V V V V V V V V V V V Knox, T Kernelyze LLC . . . . . . . . . . . LeAir, M Nvidia . . . . . . . . . V V Long, W Cray V V V V V V V V V V V Morris, K DoE V A R R R A R R R R R Nagle, D NCAR V V V V V V V V V V V Rasmussen, C U Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . Snyder, V JPL/Caltech V V V V V V V V V V V Whitlock, S Intel V V V V V V V V V V V V present and voting Voting alternates: R absent but represented Bob Scollard for Mark LeAir A absent and not represented Malcolm Cohen for Craig Rasmussen P present and not voting RP represented by previous member Non-voting alternates: E Excused Steve Lionel for Stan Whitlock Q Resigned Lorri Menard for Stan Whitlock ** missed 2 of last 3 meetings Jon Steidel for Stan Whitlock *** lost membership 1 C Rasmussen is now a member representing U of Oregon as of m210 2 M Cohen is now an alternate to C Rasmussen as of m210 Total Membership at beginning of Meeting 211 10 Majority [1 over half] 6 Quorum [1/3 of voting members, min 4 present] 4 Total Membership at end of Meeting 211 10 Total attendees at m211 7 principal members 2 voting alternates 3 non-voting alternate 1 visitor, non-voting --- 13 total Membership changes since last meeting: Tom Knox of Kernelyze LLC attended meeting 211 and expressed interest in joining the committee No one is in jeopardy of losing membership because of meeting non-representation No one is in jeopardy of losing membership because of Letter ballot non-participation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix F: Membership Roster The Membership Roster is not reproduced here. The official membership is on the INCITS system. The current Membership Roster may be found on the J3 web site at by clicking on the tab "J3 Members" and then clicking on the pointer to "full membership list" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix G: No US TAG meeting at J3 meeting m211 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [End of J3 m211 minutes]