J3/00-134 Date: 29th February 2000 To: J3 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Issue 215 1. Introduction Two papers (from separate meetings) edited the same lines in the document. For this reason the editor omitted the note inserted by 99-186r1 which said "The above rules guarantee that there can be no run-time type errors through argument association." I agree that this is confusingly worded; what it means is that type errors in argument association can be detected by static analysis - i.e. type correctness is not data-dependent. Although this is an important design issue, perhaps we can pass over it in silence in the standard itself. The editor also notes "A sentence about the dummy argument assuming its type from the actual seems to have disappeared somewhere. I'm not sure now whether some other paper said to delete it or whether I just did so by accident." Either way, it should be re-inserted for now (another paper may attempt some simplification in this area). 2. Edits to 00-007 [257:9] Replace "INTENT(OUT" with "INTENT(OUT)". {Fix typo.} [257:13+] Insert new paragraph "A polymorphic dummy argument assumes its dynamic type from the dynamic type of the associated actual argument. When execution of the procedure terminates, if a polymorphic dummy argument does not have INTENT(IN) and is a pointer or is allocatable, the dynamic type of the associated actual argument becomes the same as that of the dummy argument." {Reinsert missing text.} [257:14-28] Delete the J3 note. ===END