From: /DATA J3/00-222 Subject: Subgroup Disposition of 00-190 and 00-191 Meeting 153 00-190: The subgroup felt that the specific edit suggested was subject to possible misinterpretation, but included an alternative clarification in 00-169r1. 00-191: 1. The standard consistently uses the word "name" for a specific syntactic form defined in 3.2.1. The word "identifier" does not have a uniform meeting throughout the standard. It is used in its English language sense of being something that identifies something else and is typically used when the identifier is or may be something other than a name. Because the specific meaning of "identifier" is local to the sections where it is being used, the subgroup did not feel it appropriate to try to provide an all-encompassing definition of it in 2.5.1 or the glossary. 2. In 11.3.2, the word "identifier" is used because the syntactic term includes possibilities other than a name. The phrase "local identifier" is referring to an identifier that has meaning in the local scoping unit (i.e., the one containing the USE statement). This is in contrast to "identifier of the entity in the referenced module". A general replacement of "identifier" by "local identifier" in this section would be incorrect. The subgroup did feel that it might be appropriate to add text to clarify the meaning of "identifier" in this section but did not wish to attempt to write that clarification at this meeting, so it is inserting an unresolved issue note at this point. 3. Point (3) was attempting to enumerate the syntactic forms that are allowed in a , but since this point is about entities that do not appear in a , it is partially incorrect. An edit to repair this text is included below. 4. Note 4.41 is talking specifically about names, so use of the more general term "identifier" would be inappropriate. (Also, "identifier" has been given no specific meaning in this section.) EDIT: [240:26-27] Replace "name or defined operator" by "identifier" (twice) and insert "or " after "".