J3/00-265R2 Date: 2000/09/20 To: J3 From: /interop Subject: C pointer comparison Ref: ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N1402a Ref: Issue 252 on page 386 Edits and references are to J3/00-007r2. 1. Analysis Fortran 95 has the functionality of finding out whether a pointer is associated with its target or not. This is implemented with the intrinsic function ASSOCIATED. This functionality can be implemented for objects of type C_PTR in two ways: 1. Specify an intrinsic procedure, which compares two objects of type C_PTR, and returns the value .TRUE. if the two objects are the same, and .FALSE., if the two objects are different. Specify that the C_NULL_PTR can be used as argument in the intrinsic procedure. 2. Allow comparison with .EQ. of objects of type C_PTR, and define a constant of type C_PTR, which corresponds to the (null) pointer (for instance with name C_NULL_PTR). The following straw votes were taken at the WG5 Oulu meeting. Straw Vote #1: What should be the requirement of the intrinsic function: Test against C_NULL_PTR only 1 Test against pointer equality 13 Undecided 1 Straw Vote #2: Which language specification should J3 use: Specify an intrinsic procedure 14 Extend the .EQ. operator 0 Undecided 1 2. Syntax Thus WG5 has a preference for an intrinsic procedure which tests against procedure equality. The name of the function has not yet been determined. The example below uses C_ASSOCIATED as name. Note: The name has been changed to C_ASSOCIATED and the semantics have been changed to agree with the semantics of ASSOCIATED. There are now one and two parameter forms. 3. Syntax Example - (removed - see example in edits) 4. Edits to 00-007r2 [385:16] add C_ASSOCIATED to list of defined entities. [386:26-44] Delete J3 note [389:31] Change the section title to: Interoperability inquiry functions [389:33+] Add the following text at end of sentence: The C_ASSOCIATED function is provided so that Fortran applications can compare "C addresses". [390:30+] Add the following text: "C_ASSOCIATED(C_PTR_1[, C_PTR_2]) Description. Indicates the association status of C_PTR_1 or indicates if C_PTR_1 and C_PTR_2 are associated with the same object. Class. Inquiry Function. Arguments. C_PTR_1 shall be of type C_PTR. C_PTR_2(optional) shall be of type C_PTR. Result Characteristics. Default logical scalar. Result Value. Case(i): If C_PTR_2 is absent, the result is false if C_PTR_1 is a C null pointer and true otherwise. Case(ii): If C_PTR_2 is present, the result is false if C_PTR_1 is a C null pointer. Otherwise, the result is true if C_PTR_1 compares equal to C_PTR_2, in the sense of section of the C standard, and false otherwise. "The following example illustrates the use of C_LOC and C_ASSOCIATED. USE ISO_C_BINDING INTERFACE SUBROUTINE FOO(GAMMA), BIND(C) USE ISO_C_BINDING TYPE (C_PTR), VALUE :: GAMMA END SUBROUTINE FOO END INTERFACE REAL (C_FLOAT), TARGET, DIMENSION(100) :: ALPHA TYPE (C_PTR) :: BETA ... IF(.NOT.C_ASSOCIATED(BETA)) THEN BETA = C_LOC(ALPHA) ENDIF ... CALL FOO(BETA) ..." [390:18-30] Delete Note 16.8