J3/00-272 To: J3 From: Malcolm Cohen Date: 4th September 2000 Subject: Issues 17-19 and 211 1. Introduction This paper is a revision of 00-148. Issue 17 says "... I'm bothered by having a component name that isn't the name of a component. Perhaps we should use different terminology such as subobject name ..." I concur. Issue 18 says "Should the above not be a constraint? Fix up grandparents." The answer to the question is No, but it ought to be part of our scoping rules (which do have similar status as constraints in requiring violation to be diagnosed). I concur with the second commandment. Issue 19 says "but the name ... is not a component ...." I concur. Issue 211 says "\"flattened form\" is used ... but ... nowhere defined" I concur. Two solutions are provided for this problem! 2. Further remarks (1) Our use of "parent" etc. is not completely intuitive. It would be better if we used Old term New term -------- -------- base type root type parent/grandparent/... type base type parent type immediate base type This paper does not make this change. 3. Nested form is inherently broken Given the following type definitions: MODULE doubly_linked_lists TYPE,EXTENSIBLE :: list CLASS(list),POINTER :: prev => NULL(), next => NULL() END TYPE ... END MODULE Then in the program USE doubly_linked_lists TYPE,EXTENDS(list) :: my_item_type REAL value END TYPE CLASS(list),POINTER :: list_head TYPE(my_item_type) :: x the structure constructor in x = my_item_type(list_head,value=3.5) means what? It could be (1) nested form: x%list = list_head x%value = 3.5 (2) flattened form: list_head is providing the POINTER association for x%prev => list_head x%next => NULL() ! Default value x%value = 3.5 Basically, "nested form" is a complication too far. It provides no more real functionality than the normal ("flattened form") structure constructor. We should delete it. NB: We do not want to delete the "flattened form", because that is how people will expect type extension to work - like it is really extending the type, not like some syntactic sugar layered over encapsulation. 4. Edits to 00-007r2 [53:4-6] Replace with "An object of extended type has a <> with the type and type parameters of the parent type, consisting of all of the components inherited from the parent type. The name of the parent subobject is the parent type name." {Define a term for the parent subobject.} [53:7-16] Delete J3 note 17. {We no longer call the name of the parent subobject a "component name".} [53:17] Replace "subobject denoted by the parent type name" with "parent subobject name". {Improve readability by using our new term.} [53:19+] Insert new paragraph "The <> of a nonextensible type or of a base type are the names of its components. The subobject names of an extended type are the name of its parent subobject, the subobject names of its parent type, and the names of its additional components." {Define new term "subobject name" we can use instead of component name when we want to include the parent subobject designator(s). Note that it is defined recursively so that "grandparent" names are included.} [53:20-22] Replace "have neither" with "not have", Replace "accessible component" with "accessible subobject name", Delete "nor ... type", Make the whole thing a note. {Use our new terminology; make it a note because it will be covered by the scoping rules in ch14.} [53:23-25] Delete J3 note 18. [55:36-37] Replace "component that has the same name as the parent type" with "parent subobject". {Use our new term to improve readability and correctness.} ??IF (delete_nested_form) [55:35-37] Delete nested form. {We do not need to define flattened form because it is the usual form.} ??ELSE [55:37+] Add to end of paragraph "In the <>, a value is provided for each component of the extended type." {Add a definition of "flattened form".} ??ENDIF [55:38-41] Delete J3 note 19. {We don't call the parent subobject a component any more.} [55:42-46] Delete J3 note 211. {We either now have a definition of "flattened form", or no longer need one.} [56:1-2] Delete superfluous remark about flattened form. {It follows from [55:23-24] anyway.} ??IF (delete_nested_form) THEN [56:3-14] Delete nested form examples. ??ENDIF [96:37] Replace "name of a component" with "subobject name". {Make parent subobjects usable.} [342:5] Replace "components, and binding names" with "bindings, and named subobjects". {Move scoping requirement from ch4 to ch14.} ??IF (.NOT.delete_nested_form) THEN [402:1+] Insert new entry "<> (4.5.6) The form of a structure constructor for an entity of extended type in which a value is provided for each inherited component." [404:9+] Insert new entry "<> (4.5.6) The form of a structure constructor for an entity of extended type in which a single value is provided for the instead of separate values for each inherited component." ??ENDIF [404:28+] Insert new entry "<> ( The subobject of an entity of extended type which corresponds to its inherited portion." [406:36+] Insert new entry "<> ( The name of a of an entity; either a name or a name." === END