From: Kurt W. Hirchert J3/00-295r1 Subject: BNF Analysis Meeting 154 Like many other programmers, I couldn't resist enhancing the BNF extraction and analysis script that I wrote during meeting 154. In addition to better commenting it and improving the appearance of some of its output, I added a whole new section to recognize problems like rules that are not defined in the section matching rule number and rules that are not consistently defined in different sections. I have the divided the electronic representation of this document into three files: Part A is this message. Part B contains the extracted BNF, without constraints or duplicate occurrences of rules. (This was produced by invoking the script with option -1.) Part C is the cross-reference of the BNF non-terminal symbols. (This was produced by invoking the script with option -10.) It now handles the implicit BNF rules somewhat better. Symbols of the form XXXX-name are now treated as defined by the rule for name. References to symbols of the form scalar-XXXX or XXXX-list are now displayed as part of the references to the underlying symbol XXXX. I have given the script itself to Richard for inclusion in the scripts directory of the 007 distribution. If there is enough demand, I will work with Richard to adapt this script to read MIF and generate MIF so the output could be included in 007, but my initial look at the MIF suggests it is sufficiently ugly that I am unlikely to switch scanning it unless there is such demand.