J3 01-182R2 To: J3 From: /interop Date: 22 March 2001 Subject: Unresolved issue 243 Unresolved issue 243 (p. 395) asks about the interaction between C and Fortran exception handling. C contains a function called signal which takes as an argument a pointer to a function. The function pointed to is called a signal handler. When certain asynchronous events (called signals) occur, the signal handler is invoked. There are numerous restrictions on the C environment and on the actions that a signal handler may take. These restrictions make it unreasonable to allow Fortran procedures to be invoked as signal handlers. Edits are provided to disallow this. The edits are to page 250 since that was where the restrictions passed in 01-174 were placed. Edits: Add restriction on fortran procedures called as signal handlers [270:30+] Insert the following paragraph: A procedure defined by means of Fortran shall not be invoked as a signal handler (C standard Delete unresolved issue [395:1-6] delete