J3/01-291 Subject: Revised answer for Interp 71 From: Malcolm Cohen To: J3 Date: 6th August 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: 000071 TITLE: Character array constructors KEYWORDS: Character, array constructor, zero-size DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: J3 consideration in progress QUESTION: The f95 standard appears to leave the length of zero-sized character array constructors undefined. The penultimate paragraph of clause 4.5 says "The type and parameters of an array constructor are those of the expressions." If there are no elements, then the values of the type parameters might not be defined. The type and kind are always well defined at compile time. However, the length parameter for zero-sized character array constructors is not obviously well-defined, even at run-time. Zero-sized constructors are certainly allowed, as mentioned in the antipenultimate paragraph of clause 4.5: "An empty sequence forms a zero-sized rank-one array." Experimentation with different f90 compilers yields varying results. QUESTION 1: Is the following a valid program and, if so, what len value does it print? program zero write (*,*) len( (/ ('abc', i = 1 , 0) /) ) end QUESTION 2: Is the following a valid program and, if so, what value does it print? program zero_size integer :: n = 0 call sub('abcdefghij', n) contains subroutine sub(string, n) character*(*) :: string integer :: n integer :: i write (*,*) len( (/ (string(:i+2), i = 1 , n) /) ) end subroutine end program zero_size QUESTION 3: Is the following a valid program and, if so, what values does it print for the lengths and for n_calls? program zero_size integer :: n = 0 integer :: n_calls = 0 call sub('abcdefghij', n) write (*,*) 'n_calls = ', n_calls contains subroutine sub(string, n) character*(*) :: string integer :: n integer :: i write (*,*) len( (/ (string(:f(i)), i = 1 , n), 'abcde' /) ) end subroutine sub integer function f(i) f = 2*i + 5 n_calls = n_calls + 1 end function f end program zero_size QUESTION 4: Is this character array constructor valid? (/ ('ABC'(:J/2), J=4,2) /) ANSWER: (1) Yes. The length is 3. Clause 4.5 says that "The type and type parameters of an array constructor are those of the expressions." There is no exclusion for s that contribute no elements to the value of the array constructor: thus s that are inside zero-trip implied DO loops still contribute their "type" information. The example array constructor has an that is the character literal 'abc'; this clearly has the character length of 3 and therefore the array constructor has a character length of 3. The description of how an that is an implied DO is handled confuses syntax and semantics: an edit is supplied to clarify this. (2) No, the has an indeterminate character length and so cannot satisfy the requirement for the lengths to be the same. The edits below clarify this situation. (3) No, one has an indeterminate character length and so cannot satisfy the requirement for the lengths to be the same. (4) No, the has an indeterminate character length. EDITS: In clause 4.5, in the paragraph beginning "If an is a scalar expression" [46:1] replace: "an sequence" with "a sequence of elements". [45:38+] Add to end of paragraph: "The character length of an ac-value in a zero-trip ac-implied-do shall not depend on the value of the implied DO variable and shall not depend on the value of an expression that is not an initialization expression." {NOTE TO J3/WG5: This satisfies Henry's final anomaly with the previous answer, as (/ (V,I=1,0) /) and (/ (/ (V,I=1,0) /) /) are now both allowed. It also satisfies one of Kurt's many objections, though perhaps not the others.} SUBMITTED BY: Richard Maine HISTORY: 98-101 m144 submitted 20 Nov 1997 99-207 m150 additional input 99-217r3 m150 approved uc 00-209 m153 passed by J3 letter ballot m153 duplicated in interp 000071; processing 000016 complete 00-268 m154 Failed WG5 letter ballot (N1395 & N1403) WG5/N1452 Suggested revision 158-mjc-007 m158 ----------------------------------------------------------------------