J3/01-342 Date: 23 Aug 2001 To: J3 From: Toon Moene Subject: Apply answer to Interp F95/000005 to IEEE_SELECTED_REAL_KIND Interpretation 000005 to Fortran 95, which was passed by WG5 and is in Corrigendum 1 (paper N1421) introduces a new possible return value (-4) for the SELECTED_REAL_KIND intrinsic. This paper gives the edit to incorporate the corresponding change to the intrinsic module procedure IEEE_SELECTED_REAL_KIND. The interp concerns itself with the possibility that both the requested precision and range can be supported, but not the requested combination. In that case, SELECTED_REAL_KIND should return -4. The following edit effects the corresponding change to IEEE_SELECTED_REAL_KIND. [345:31] Replace "and -3 if neither is available" with "-3 if neither is available, and -4 if both precision and range are available, but not together"