J3/03-274 Date: 11 Nov 2003 To: J3 From: Richard Maine Subject: Binding label fixes The wording of the material on binding labels on 16.1 is inconsistent and can be misinterpreted. The first sentence says that procedure binding labels are global entities. However, the third sentence then talks about "A binding label of a global entity". It is my belief that the "of a global entity" in the third sentence was intended to be descriptive rather than restrictive. By the glossary definition of "global entity", anything with a binding label is a global entity. If we say it that way, it directly corresponds to the definition of global entity and avoids missing cases. The current words miss the case of module procedures with binding labels and thus are actually incorrect, at least by implication. [405:18-19] "procedure binding labels...BIND attribute" -> "and entities with binding labels" [405:22-23] "A binding label of a global entity" -> "A binding label of an entity" [405:23-24] "the binding label of any other global entity" -> "the binding label of any other entity" [405:24] "a name of any other global entity" -> "the name of any other global entity" {The unique name; not some possible local name.} [405:25] "A global entity" -> "An entity"