12 June 2005 J3/06-211 Subject: Comments on the index From: Van Snyder This is Section 4 of 05-207, with line numbers at line 12 revised to refer to 06-007. Some index items are bold and some are not. Ones generated by \tdef are generated bold automatically, while those generated by \mindex have to be made bold explicitly. Some consistency in the reason for bold index items ought to be adopted, unless the existing rule is judged to be adequate. \tdef sets text in "term definition" font and puts it in the index in "term definition" font, while \tdeff sets text in "term definition" font without putting it in the index, so if one wants an index term differerent from the item that appears in "term definition" font, say the singular instead of the plural, "tdeff should be used, followed by \mindex. If the item should appear in bold face in the index, that needs to be done explicitly using the \mindexd macro (\mindexd* sets the text in ordinary font and the index in "term definition" font). Should we search for index terms, and add occurrences of them that are not indexed to the index? Index 12.0 [297:7,11] and 12.4.1 [311:1] for "argument." Make "argument association" subsidiary to "argument", i.e., \mindex{argument!association}. Combine "argument keywords" into "argument keyword", and make it subsidiary to "argument". Make "array constructor", "array intrinsic assignment statement", "array pointer" and "array section" subsidiary to "array". Combine "array elements" into"array element" and make it subsidiary to "array". `Make "array element order" subsidiary to "array!element". Make "ASCII character set", "ASCII character type" and "ASCII collating sequence" subsidiary to "ASCII". Make "assignment statement" subsidiary to "assignment". Combine "associate names" into "associate name". Make "pointer association status" subsidiary to "association". Do we need "assumed-shape array", "assumed-size array" and "automatic array" in addition to "array!as- sumed-shape", "array!assumed-size" and "array!automatic"? Combine "attributes" into "attribute". Make "attribute specification statements" subsidiary to "at- tribute". Index the KIND attribute. If we do need both "array!automatic" and "automatic array", make "automatic array" and "automatic data ob ject" both subsidiary to "automatic". Combine "belongs" into "belong". Do we need both "branch target statement" and "Branching", since they're both on the same page? Replace both by "branching". Make "character context", "character intrinsic assignment statement", character intrinsic operation", "character intrinsic operator", character length parameter", "character literal constant", "character rela- tional intrinsic operation", "character sequence type", character set", "character storage unit", character string", "character string edit descriptor" and "character type" subsidiary to "character". Make "common association" (if it continues to exist as a term), "common block" and "common block storage sequence" subsidiary to "common". Combine "components" into"component". Make "component" and "component keyword" subsidiary to "component". Combine "Component order" into "component order" and it them subsidiary to "component". Delete "connected files" (since "connected" is indexed on the same page). Make "constant subob ject" subsidiary to "constant". Combine "Construct association" into "construct association". Make it and "construct entity" subsidiary to "construct". Combine "control edit descriptors" into "control edit descriptor". 12 June 2005 Page 1 of 4 12 June 2005 J3/06-211 Remove "conversion!numeric" since "numeric!conversion" is indexed. "numeric!editing" is indexed but "editing!numeric" is not, etc. Combine "data edit descriptors" into "data edit descriptor". Make it and "data entity", "data ob ject", "data ob ject reference", "data pointer", "data transfer" and "data type" subsidiary to "data". Combine "data transfer input statements", "data transfer output statements" and "data transfer statements" into "data transfer input/output statement" and make it subsidiary to "data!transfer". Combine "declarations" into"declaration". Combine "default-initialized" into "default initialization". Make "default character", "default initializa- tion", "default integer", "default logical" and "default real" subsidiary to "default". Make "defined assignment", "defined binary operation", defined elemental assignment statement", "de- fined elemental operation" and "defined operation" subsidiary to "defined". Make "defined assigned statement" subsidiary to "defined!assignment". Delete "defined unary operation". Decapitalize "Delimiters". Combine "derived types" into"derived type". Make "derived type determination" subsidiary to "derived type". Make "direct access input/output statement" subsidiary to "direct access". Combine "dummy arguments" into "dummy argument". Make it and "dummy array", "dummy data ob ject" and "dummy procedure" subsidiary to "dummy". Combine "edit descriptors" into"edit descriptor". Refer "edit descriptor" to "format descriptor" (which is made singular below). Change "element array assignment (FORALL)" to "elemental array assignment (FORALL)". Make it and "elemental intrinsic function", "elemental operation" and "elemental procedure" subsidiary to "elemental". Combine "executable constructs" into "executable construct". Make it and "executable statement" subsidiary to "executable". Make "explicit formatting", "explicit initialization" and "explicit interface" subsidiary to "explicit". Combine "expressions" into"expression". Make "extension operations", "extension operator" and "extension type" subsidiary to "extension". Make "external file", "external linkage", "external procedure", "external procedure", "external subpro- gram" and "external unit" subsidiary to "external". Make "field width" subsidiary to "field". Combine "files" into "file". Make "file access", "file connection", "file inquiry", "file position" and "file storage unit" subsidiary to "file". Make "file connection statements" subsidiary to "file connection". Make "file inquiry statement" subsidiary to "file inquiry". Make "file positioning statements" subsidiary to "file position". Combine "final subroutines" into "final subroutine". Combine "finalizable", "finalizatioion" and "finalized"? Replace "format descriptors" by "format descriptor". Make "formatted data transfer", "formatted input/output statement" and "formatted record" subsidiary to "formatted". Make "function reference", "function result" and "function statement" subsidiary to "function". Combine "Generic names" into "generic name". Replace "generic procedure references" by "generic procedure reference". Make them and "generic identifier", "generic interface", "generic interface block" and "generic procedure references" subsidiary to "generic". Combine "global entities" into"global entity". Make it and "global identifier" subsidiary to "global". Replace "Graphic characters" by "graphic character". Make "host association" and "host scoping unit" subsidiary to "host". 12 June 2005 Page 2 of 4 12 June 2005 J3/06-211 Combine "inheritance associated" into "inheritance association". Make "initialization expression" subsidiary to "initialization". Replace "Input statements" by "input statement". Make "input/output list" and "input/output statement" subsidiary to "input/output". Make "inquiry function" and "inquiry, type parameter" subsidiary to "inquiry". Make "instance of a subprogram" subsidiary to "instance". Make "integer constant", "integer editing", "integer model" and "integer type" subsidiary to "integer". Make "interface body", "interface block" and "interface of a procedure" subsidiary to "interface". Combine "internal files" into "internal file". Make it and "internal procedure", "internal subprogram" and "internal unit" subsidiary to "internal". Combine "intrinsic operations" into "intrinsic operation". Combine "intrinsic procedures" into "intrinsic procedure". Combine "intrinsic types" into "intrinsic type". Make them and "intrinsic assignment statement", "intrinsic binary operation", "intrinsic module" and "intrinsic unary operation" subsidiary to "intrinsic". Index "intrinsic function" and "intrinsic subroutine"? Make "ISO 10646 character set" and "ISO 10646 character type" subsidiary to "ISO 10646". Make "length of a character string" and "length type parameter" subsidiary to "length". Replace "letters" by "letter". Combine "Lexical tokens" into "lexical token". Combine "local identifiers" into "local identifier". Make it, "local entity" and "local variable" subsidiary to "local". Combine "logical intrinsic operations" into "logical intrinsic operation". Make it and "logical intrinsic assignment statement", logical intrinsic operator" and "logical type" subsidiary to "logical". Combine "masked array assignment" and "masked array assignment (WHERE)". Make "module procedure", "module reference" and "module subprogram" subsidiary to "module". Make "named common block", "named constant" and "named file" subsidiary to "named". Combine "Nonexecutable statements" into "nonexecutable statement". Combine "numeric intrinsic operations" into "numeric intrinsic operation". Combine "numeric types" into "numeric type". Make them and "numeric conversion", "numeric intrinsic assignment statement", "numeric intrinsic operator", "numeric relational intrinsic operation" and "numeric sequence type" sub- sidiary to "numeric". Combine "obsolescent features" into "obsolescent feature". Combine "operands" into "operand". Combine "operations" into "operation". Combine "operators" into "operator". Make "operator precedence" subsidiary to "operator". Replace "Output statements" by "output statement". Combine "PARAMETER" into "PARAMETER attribute". Make "parent component", "parent data transfer statement" and "parent type" subsidiary to "parent". Combine "pointer associated" into "pointer association". Make it and "pointer assignment" subsidiary to "pointer". Make "pointer assignment statement" subsidiary to "pointer assignment". Make "pointer association status" subsidiary to "pointer association". Combine "Preconnection" into "preconnected". Make "preconnected files" subsidiary to "preconnected". Combine "procedure references" into "procedure reference". Make it and "procedure designator", "pro- cedure interface" and "procedure pointer" subsidiary to "procedure". Make "real model", "real part" and "real type" subsidiary to "real". Replace "record lengths" by "record length". Make it, "record file" and "record number" subsidiary to "record". 12 June 2005 Page 3 of 4 12 June 2005 J3/06-211 Combine "relational intrinsic operations" into "relational intrinsic operation". Make it and "relational intrinsic operator" subsidiary to "relational". Combine "representation methods" into "representation method". Make "sequence association", "sequence structure" and "sequence type" subsidiary to "sequence". Make "sequential access input/output statement" subsidiary to "sequential access". Make "shape conformance" subsidiary to "shape". Make "size of a common block" and "size of a storage sequence" subsidiary to "size". Remove "specific interface block". Replace "Specific names" by "specific name". Combine "specifications" into "specification". Make "specification expression", "specification function" and "specification inquiry" subsidiary to "specification". Combine "Statement functions" into "statement function". Replace "statements" by "statement". Make "statement entity", "statement function", "statement label" and "statement order" subsidiary to "state- ment". Index "statement!ASSOCIATE", "statement!CLASS", "statement!SELECT TYPE", "statement!TYPE" and "statement!TYPE IS". Combine "storage associated" and "Storage association into "storage association". Make them, "storage sequence" and "storage" unit subsidiary to "storage". Make "structure component" and "structure constructor" subsidiary to "structure". Combine "subob jects" into "subob ject". Make "subroutine reference" and "subroutine subprogram" subsidiary to "subroutine". Make "subscript triplet" subsidiary to "subscript". Combine "transformational functions" into "transformational function". Combine "type declaration statements" into "type declaration statement". Make it, "type compati- ble", "type conformance", "type equality", "type incompatible", "type parameter" and "type specifier" subsidiary to "type". Combine "Type parameter order" into "type parameter order". Make it, "type parameter inquiry", and "type parameter keyword" subsidiary to "type parameter". Combine "ultimate components" into "ultimate component". Make "unformatted input/output statement" subsidiary to "unformatted data transfer". Combine "use associated" and "Use association" into "use association". Combine "variables" into "variable". 12 June 2005 Page 4 of 4