J3/06-368 To: J3 From: R. Bleikamp Subject: interp F03/0050 Date: 09 November 2006 NUMBER: F03/0050 TITLE: Questions about internal files KEYWORDS: internal file, data transfer DEFECT TYPE: Interpretation STATUS: J3 consideration in progress QUESTIONS: Question 1: Fortran 2003 does not seem to prohibit this kind of recursive internal I/O. Was this program intended to be standard-conforming? If so, then what does the program print? MODULE m1 CHARACTER(20) :: ifile = '' CONTAINS CHARACTER(3) FUNCTION foo() WRITE(ifile, *) 'QWERTY' foo = 'abc' END FUNCTION END MODULE PROGRAM ex1 USE m1 WRITE(ifile, *) 'xyz', foo(), 'zyx' PRINT *, ifile END PROGRAM Question 2: Fortran 2003 does not seem to prohibit this kind of recursive internal I/O. Was this program intended to be standard-conforming? If so, then what does the program print? MODULE m2 CHARACTER(20) :: ifile = 'abc def ghi jkl mno ' CHARACTER(3) :: char CONTAINS CHARACTER(3) FUNCTION foo() READ(ifile, *) char foo = 'abc' END FUNCTION END MODULE PROGRAM ex2 USE m2 WRITE(ifile, *) 'xyz', foo(), 'zyx' PRINT *, ifile PRINT *, char END PROGRAM Question 3: Fortran 2003 does not appear to prohibit modifying a character variable when it is being used as an internal file in a data transfer statement that is currently executing. Was this program intended to be standard-conforming? If so, then what does the program print? MODULE m3 CHARACTER(20) :: ifile = '' CONTAINS CHARACTER(3) FUNCTION foo() ifile = 'bad thing to do?' foo = 'abc' END FUNCTION END MODULE PROGRAM ex3 USE m3 WRITE(ifile, *) 'xyz', foo(), 'zyx' PRINT *, ifile PRINT *, flag END PROGRAM Question 4: Fortran 2003 does not appear to prohibit referencing a character variable when it is being used as an internal file in a data transfer statement that is currently executing. Was this program intended to be standard-conforming? If so, then what does the program print? MODULE m4 CHARACTER(20) :: ifile = '' LOGICAL :: flag = .FALSE. CONTAINS CHARACTER(3) FUNCTION foo() IF (ifile == ' xyz') THEN flag = .TRUE. END IF foo = 'abc' END FUNCTION END MODULE PROGRAM ex4 USE m4 WRITE(ifile, *) 'xyz', foo(), 'zyx' PRINT *, ifile PRINT *, flag END PROGRAM ANSWER: All of these examples were intended to be prohibited. Edits are provided to prohibit referencing or defining a variable used as an internal unit as a result of evaluating any output list items, or transfering values to any input list item. EDITS: In section, after the paragraph: "If an internal file has been specified, an input/output list item shall not be in the file or associated with the file." add these paragraphs [196:29+]: "During the execution of an output statement that specified an internal unit, no part of that internal unit shall be referenced or defined as the result of evaluating any output list item. During the execution of an input statement that specified an internal unit, no part of that internal unit shall be defined as the result of transfering a value to any input list item." SUBMITTED BY: Rob James HISTORY: 05-141 m171 F03/0050 Submitted