J3/06-373 Date: November 11, 2006 To: J3 From: Dr. Reinhold Bader Subject: Extension of IMPORT statement References: J3/06-007r1 This suggestion attempts to address a weakness of the submodule concept as presently defined in the draft standard. Assume a module-defined interface module x type :: tx : end type interface module procedure foo(yy, xx) use y ! here be dragons ! import :: tx - disallowed for separate module procedures type(tx), intent(out) :: xx type(ty), intent(in) :: yy end module procedure end interface : end module x which references a module y with a type ty defined there, and is subsequently implemented in a submodule: submodule(x) x_foo use y type(ty) :: g_foo_y contains module procedure foo : end module end submodule x_foo One of the points of this exercise is to enable the module y to make use of the type definitions in x: module y use x type :: ty : end type : end module y Unfortunately this renders the "use y" line in the interface definition a circular module reference and is hence disallowed, while the "use y" line in the submodule is OK. For a number of software patterns it would be desirable to be able to access other modules' entities from within an interface block; the rationale is similar to that which led to the introduction of the IMPORT statement. In fact an extension of IMPORT is suggested to fix the above problem; the interface definition would then be replaced by interface module procedure foo(yy, xx) import y :: ty type(tx), intent(out) :: xx type(ty), intent(in) :: yy end module procedure end interface One use case for this is supplied by an article published in the August 2006 Fortran Forum ("Dynamic Polymorphism in Fortran 95: How Submodules can help"). Here is a suggestion for edits of J3/06-007r1: [299:16]. In, change R1209 to read import-stmt is IMPORT [[ module-name ::] import-name-list [, rename-list] [299:41-43]. Replace this by the following: C1210 (R1209) Using IMPORT to access entities from the local host scoping unit is allowed only in an interface body that is not a module procedure interface body; rename-list may not be specified in this case. C1210a (R1209) Using IMPORT to access entities from a module different from the local host scoping unit is allowed only in an interface body that is a module procedure (or function) interface body. C1211 (R1209) Each import-name shall be the name of an entity in the referenced scoping unit. If no module-name is provided, this is the local host scoping unit. Any entities accessed by use association can be optionally renamed via rename-list. [300:32]. Replace this by the following: The IMPORT statement within an interface body that is not a module procedure interface body specifies that the named entities from the host scoping unit are accessible in the interface body by host association. [300:41]. Add the following section after this line: The IMPORT statement within an interface body that is a module procedure interface body specifies that the named entities from the referenced module host scoping unit are accessible in the interface body by use association. The rules listed in 11.2.2 for use association apply, with the exception that it is allowed to indirectly reference the local host scoping unit. Furthermore, omitting import-name- list has an effect analogous to omitting the ONLY part of the USE statement. [488:6]. Replace this by the following: Use association is the association of names in different scoping units specified either by a USE statement, or by an IMPORT statement within an interface body that is a module procedure interface body. Adding the above example as a note might be useful. Furthermore, it might be appropriate to add a note to 11.2.3 indicating the necessity to explicitly provide a USE statement referencing all modules which are needed due to an IMPORT statement in the parent module for a locally implemented separate module procedure, possibly with a consistent renaming scheme. Correspondingly, the syntax rule annex requires part of the above updates. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Reinhold Bader Email: Reinh.Bader@t-online.de Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Abt. Hochleistungssysteme | Tel. +49 89 35831 8825 Boltzmannstr. 1, 85748 Garching | Fax +49 89 35831 9700