J3/07-130 To: J3 Date: 24 January 2007 From: Bill Long and John Reid Subject: UTI 105: upper co-bounds References: J3/07-007 Discussion of UTI 105 (pages 368-369) The editor suggests that the final co-bound of a co-array should be defined as the greatest value that it can attain, even if not all values of the earlier subscripts are available when the final co-bound has this value. We agree and provide edits. Edits to J3/07-007 In 13.7.2 "CO_UBOUND (CO_ARRAY [, DIM, KIND])", make the following changes: [368:5-6] In the Description paragraph, delete "of co-rank greater than one". [368:8+] In the CO_ARRAY paragraph, delete "and of co-rank greater than one". [368:9+] In the DIM paragraph, change "" to "". [369:4] In the Result Characteristics paragraph, line 3, change "" to "". [369:6+] At the start of the Result Value paragraph, add "The final upper co-bound is the final co-subscript in the co-subscript list for the co-array that selects the image with index NUM_IMAGES()." [369:12-13] Replace the Examples paragraph with "<> If NUM_IMAGES() has the value 32 and A is allocated by the statement ALLOCATE (A [2:3, 0:7, *]) then CO_UBOUND (A) is [3, 7, 2] and CO_UBOUND (A, DIM=2) is 7."