07-193r1 To: J3 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Equals in macro actual arguments Date: 2007 May 09 1. Introduction This paper responds to 07-193. 2. Ambiguity Subgroup resolved to fix the ambiguity by deciding that any macro actual argument that begins "name=" is a keyword argument, thus "name" must be a macro dummy argument name. To pass an argument of "X=1", "dummy=X=1" is required to be used. 3. Quoting Subgroup was sympathetic to the usefulness of having argument quoting, but preferred not to make such a significant syntax change at this point. 4. Edits to 07-007r1 [38:29+] Insert new constraint "C332a (R343) If the first two tokens of are a name and an equals sign, = shall appear." {Keyword= syntax takes precedence.} ===END===